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  1. burren

    What to do next.

    irish guy Hive 3 - yep leave for a week. give the virgin queen 2 weeks after emergence then check for eggs. She may even need another week. Hive 2- Do you have a super on this, they will need the space with 8 frames of brood urgently. Hive 5 - yep join it to the nuc ( so small) if they seem...
  2. burren

    What to do next.

    Hi Irish guy Hive 1 - sorted- keep checking every 7/8 days to be safe Hive 2 - Please check at next available time slot if 7/8 days was last inspection day. Hive 3 - So 1 1/2 frames of eggs/ 1 of frames only drone brood/ few open q cells and 2 with eggs. A bit worrying, but no royal jelly...
  3. burren

    Further to not giving up on a virgin!

    :party-smiley-050::party-smiley-050::party-smiley-050: well done tremyfro, all seems to be going great. We are all waiting for some sun!
  4. burren

    What to do next.

    :nature-smiley-014::nature-smiley-014:Hi Irish guy Stick with it.God loves a tryer. Tell us what things are up to presently and lets see what the next step is to be.
  5. burren

    apidea behaviour

    Hi all I presently have 3 apideas on the go. AP 1, made on 25/5/15 with sealed queen cell, queen found to be laying a few days ago, all well. Ap 2 and 3 made a few days ago, also with sealed queen cell. They had been out flying nicely for last two days. Today i checked on them at 8am, just...
  6. burren

    Swarm in a tree

    How did it go Galaxy55?
  7. burren

    Bees entering air vent

    Now that is a cool one Heather! Never caught/seen a swarm.Would love to get one this year, fingers crossed!
  8. burren

    What to do next.

    Hi Irishguy. You seem to have/had a lot on your plate.I would nt advise more nucs just yet! Sort out the hives you have, take an unmbrella, yes the weather is total sh1te, in Clare too. be ready to get in there in the 1st dry moment you get. Always have a plan before opening a hive, be a bit...
  9. burren

    Varroa levels so far this year?

    Hi all not tried the vapourisation, just trickle method. Tell us more about how to do it. thanks Burren
  10. burren

    and your starter for 10 is..........

    :iagree:midnight sun, you just pipped me.
  11. burren

    and your starter for 10 is..........

    Erichalfbee, it is not sound advice, because the queen cell was already sealed..... It is unknown whether the q is viable, could be dead or empty. Better not to leave only one sealed, one open is best.
  12. burren

    move to make with problem hive

    :sunning:absolutely it is !
  13. burren

    move to make with problem hive

    yes o90o, this is what I said previously - no q cell made on new frame ( in 7 days)( yes i know sometimes it can take 2 or 3 frames) but the q may have been killed in feb or those few eggs may have been a failing queen in April or laying workers ( too many were in correct position though) and...
  14. burren

    move to make with problem hive

    Hi Bontbee yes July 2014 q was marked+clipped. eggs seen on 19th April- solid pattern- just small amount. still lots of bees. yep looked for new/unmarked q. (knew it was unlikely for new q to have been raised since Feb- no drones around) no new eggs since 19th, even with the new frame put in on...
  15. burren

    move to make with problem hive

    thanks o90o. Just needed it confirmed. Was going to combine with a nuc ( newspaper method) yesterday. The fact that no q cell was made with the new frame was making me hesitant. cheers
  16. burren

    move to make with problem hive

    I had a hive overwintering(brood and half) with a july 2014 queen.( treated with apiguard end of Aug and oxalic in Dec) all fine. Feb 2015 bull calves over turned hive. I found it with 3 other over turned hives in a spell of very cold continual rain. Could have been exposed for a few days. On...
  17. burren

    Can't find queen

    What did u decide to do?
  18. burren

    Ever Been Stung By A Queen

    I had one the other day that made several "cross" noises when i was trying to pick her up to clip her! She put me right off the idea!!!
  19. burren

    Advice please

    Hi mikeb123 When was your last inspection? When did you last see the queen? burren
  20. hive stuff

    hive stuff
