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  1. burren

    Mould and other stuff found on inspection today

    you know enrico, you are just like your avatarbee-smillie yep agree, I had a hive like that last year on first inspection and you do panic a bit, new clean frames on ends, good.
  2. burren

    Wet super

    congrats blue spinnaker on reaching your 1st spring- hope it leads to a great honey harvest in the summer! The wet super if stored correctly can just go on when needed. You will need to have a good many bees more, 8/9 seams FULL before supering up(nat). You mention 2 frames that have been...
  3. burren

    Newbie ....advice please

    john W a very helpful post, but not sure i would agree with "lots of pollen going in is a sure sign of a laying queen" though.
  4. burren

    Skeps for sale in atlantic home stores

    :hurray:sounds like a good price! Would you need to seal the lid and make another entrance? Could you only crush and stain to take any honey? Hope you get one/some going.
  5. burren

    Concerned for hive

    From what I have read it could mean that, but not always. I had pollen coming in one time and turned out to be q-. I would open up and have a look for b.i.a.s as soon as the weather is warm enough as you seem worried. Our association doesnt advise we open hives until mid + April.
  6. burren

    18 days.....from this to this........

    Those disc entrances look great. But are those crates strong enough to hold all the supers full on honey you hope to get!;)
  7. burren

    Moving hives out to fields

    i wonder if anyone can advise the poster on the best time (of year) to move the bees as his question has not been fully answered. I would imagine sometime very soon, but am not qualified to answer this yet!
  8. burren


    yep, have heard a "cuckoo" here for last 2 years
  9. burren

    Do they not know its cold

    :hurray::hurray:OMG have nt laughted so much at a thread for ages. I have actual tears running down my face.
  10. burren

    ambrosia bee fondant

    hi I would like that recipe please, if more experienced give it the say so.
  11. burren

    honey house plans

    thanks poly, 70 colonies! i wish ;)
  12. burren

    honey house plans

    thanks beebreeder that was very interesting to see and very massive!. thanks also beejoyful, i had been reading that thread, he did a great job. It is more the "essential" bits that i need to make sure I have planned for. I hope to have a few more hives this year. But it is great to see all...
  13. burren

    honey house plans

    Hi all Does anyone have any plans/layouts for a honey shed? I already have a concrete base approx 20ft (or 30ft) x 16ft (intend to check that today). I was going to be used for a couple of stables but I think this may be a better use ;) I want to make two sections, one a store room for wooden...
  14. burren

    Bees flying this morning at 11am

    checked mine today, nice and dry here. 2 were fairly quiet and one perked up on hefting, just to let me know all is ok;)
  15. burren

    Bees flying this morning at 11am

    checked mine today, nice and dry here. 2 were fairly quiet and one perked up on hefting, just to let me know all is ok;)
  16. burren


    "devils piss" - that made me laugh. totally agree though. My kids knew what MSG was by 3 or 4 and never ever have anything with sweetners in it. It can be in nearly everything!
  17. burren

    apiguard- some dead bees?!

    thanks Newportbuzz. I didnt oil/grease my tray-and thought I would try without. Still could not see any varroa, yes I know they must be there, but I can NEVER see them on the board. They cant all be jumping back up through the omf cant they?!;)
  18. burren

    apiguard- some dead bees?!

    thanks Veg
  19. burren

    apiguard- some dead bees?!

    Put apiguard( 1st time using it) on a nat hive on the 12th, ( used bayvarol last year) put varroa floor in, checked today and 20 dead bees on floor! That can be normal, right? I have not seen any bunching outside. It is quite a full hive on one brood box. We have not had hot weather. I had...
  20. burren

    How much did you get?

    First two years I left the super to them. This year I had to get some:drool5: First got 34.5 lbs ( two supers - used 22 frames only) then 4/5 weeks later another 20 odd ( jar-ring it up today - so approx 20 lbs. - all from same hive. So am very pleased with that, and local village shop has/will...