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  1. D

    Varroa count during Apiguard treatment

    I also found they are not as red as I expected.
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    Varroa count during Apiguard treatment

    cheers for that,much appreciated,
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    Varroa count during Apiguard treatment

    brood box,apiguard on top of the frames,eke,queen excluder,empty super,crown board with feeding holes,full super,then super with frames for cleaning.
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    Varroa count during Apiguard treatment

    I have left a super on to help them through the winter,is it ok to leave it on while I'm treating with apiguard(will they readily eat honey thats tainted with thymol?)or should I take it off and replace it when the treatment is finished?
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    Varroa count during Apiguard treatment

    The instructions that came with my apiguard trays say to treat with the first tray for 2 weeks then 4 weeks with the second,which is 6 weeks in all.
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    Biological Wasp Trap

    found a couple of dead wasps on ground just outside my hives,the girls must have sorted them out,none in the wasp traps and I don't really see that many flying round the apiary.
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    Tesco sugar deal

    netto were selling 2 bags for £1 last week.
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    will they draw down the honey???

    would this work the same with just the main brood,if you needed the bees to draw out the 2 last frames?
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    Varroa drop

    can thymol be used in colder temperatures?
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    New Beek and First Honey

    the local associations usually have them to hire
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    An Inspector calls ....

    the problem is though,if new beeks don't join an association the inspector doesn't now they exist,therefore if there is an outbreak of disease in the area it cannot be fully monitored.
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    An Inspector calls ....

    do inspectors just call at random,or does there have to be a problem in the immediate area?
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    Bee's cleaning out the 'wet' super in our garden.

    what do you do then? would you put them within the apiary?or back in a super above the brood?
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    cheers,just seen in it in the diy hives forum as well
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    Marine ply or not?

    marine ply is between £80 and a £100 for a 2.4m by 1.2m by 18mm thick sheet,it is a lot heavier than exterior grade ply.I made two brood boxes from off cuts that were lying around at work
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    how deep do I need to make my ekes for apiguard trays?
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    Which Areas Are Still Getting Pollen?

    still foraging like mad in bingley west yorshire,bright orange pollen and balsam coated bees entering the hives.
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    Wasps in shed. Where's the hole?

    put a smoke bomb in the shed and see where they come out,but don't burn the shed down.
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    Marine ply or not?

    I made my brood boxes from marine ply,but I would not make supers with it because I find it too heavy.
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    Anyone know what this is?

    I have watched these hovering round my tubs and hanging baskets,they attack and carry off the hover flies that come in for the pollen.