i cant understand why it has to be 15 degrees for the apiguard to work as its in the hive on top of theframes with bees on, definatley more than 15 degrees in the hive!!
i run many hives and trying a TBH this year, done nowt with it so they have enough stores for over wintering, will hope it over winters and then see next year. its a new mind set to get your head round, its fun to have a go at something different.
there is some idea that honey has not enough water content when trying to use it when its gone hard as rock, where-as sugar is more easily manipulated/taken to feed themselves in winter. i used to keep a super of honey on, they worked hard for it so they deserve it, was always my thought until...
i agree i'm on 14 x 12 and others are on double brood and had to leave a super under the 14 x 12's as there are still too many bees for the one box, yipee, they may eat more stores, who cares as long as they over winter well. they all did last year.
double brood are very easy to manage and 14x12 is straight forward, less swarms with both i believe as the queen has more room than one national, only problem with 14x12 is when checking frame sfor eggs and brood you have to be careful that the comb doesnt fall out due to the weight.
more bees...
its bee crap for sure, a neighbour had his car, merc, covered in it, was not too pleased,
was the weather not good? so they just came out the hive to crap and returned home?