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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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    Hornet trap success

    nice one
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    Treatment of cedar hives

    whats wrong with repairing the holes? i have just put a metal plate on the inside of one of my hives to repair the hole, let the bugger try that again in the same place, it would be fun watching it try!!!
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    Changing hive type - advice for next year

    and i would suggest feed with sugar syrup
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    Two hives for sale

    a nucs only half an hive and it wont get you much honey
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    Commercial queens

    are you somewhere near coral bay? coming to cyprus on 29th april, it would be nice to visit some beeks
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    Im new to beekeeping and I would like some help.

    find a beek nearby and ask if you could help watch her
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    Anyone do Goldwork?

    try ryedale district council
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    Cherry blossom

    i have an orchard and the cherry is usually out well before any of the other fruit trees, it is in bud i'm in the north
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    Jupiter-Venus-Uranus-Mercury all in a row

    thats bloody fast
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    Agricultural occupancy...

    i wonder if farmers get subsidies on forestry plantations and xmas tree plantations?
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    Agricultural occupancy...

    If i add all the hours i spent beekeeping, not the income!!! it would be by far my main occupation, would that count? as i am looking to move and have looked at a number of premises with agricultural occ restrictions, but not sure of the rules, another note of interest, i have just purchased...
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    linseed oil, boiled or not?

    going to give some oldish cedar boxes some weather proofing, should i use boiled linseed oil or just plain un boiled and why? if someones knows the answer tht would useful to a few beekies, many thanks
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    Spring Feed

    21 days for worker bee to emerge, 21 days to get collecting necter, work out when apple,pear,damson, cherry blossom is out, so work the days backwards from then, thats when you want plenty of nectar and pollen collectors or thats what i want, so a feed at end of feb if temp has started to rise...
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    any useful ideas on where to obtain someone to print my own honey labels? thanks bees
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    Bees and lawn tractors

    lend her/him a bee suit to wear
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    Do my bees need feeding?

    i would have an eke deep enough to take the fondant, get some fondant, light smoke or brush the bees to one side place the fondant directly on top of the frames, replace crown board and roof strap down and leave., just keep an eye out for how much fondant the bees have eaten and replace with new...
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    Transferring bees from Nationals to 14 x 12

    yep agree just put the new box on top when a flow is on, but if you have couple of drawn out frames even national ones the bees will go up sooner
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    What to use for insulation

    look out for skips on building sites, could place to get some for nowt or a jar of honey if you have one in the car
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    this barmy weather

    saw a small daffodil in flower on saturady in north yorks, is this a record?
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    HMF? How is it caused?

    whats hmf?