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  1. garethbryson

    Oops!! Torn comb

    Can i also recommend that you go and join your locan association also i recommend the preliminary course as you learn all the timescale when the different cast's hatch seal the cell and emerge. Very importand that you know this. especially the days for a queen as this might help you to stop your...
  2. garethbryson

    Trouble finding the queen!

    Private message!!!! Look at the top right of your page and below where it says your name you will see private messages and it should say that you have one unread.
  3. garethbryson

    What is your worst experience re: bee behaviour

    Very Funny story. I knew before i looked at your profile that you were a fellow irishman just by reading it.
  4. garethbryson

    The fear is still there!

    I'm the same but have no problem with the bees. I think its because i know i have the suit on. Also i find that when i'm working in the hives that i'm concentrating so much on what i'm doing that i sort of forget about the buzzing and the bees all over my suit.
  5. garethbryson

    how long will a queen take to start laying

    I wouldnt worry too much yet if its only 3 weeks. also all they need is 2/3 good days to get out and get mated. I collected a swarm about 5 weeks ago and there was 2 solid weeks or rain. then we had 3 really good days and then rain again. i looked into the nuc about 10 days after the really good...
  6. garethbryson

    Double Brood chamber, good Q upstairs, DLQ downstairs

    Thats exactly what i was going to say as i have seen this before. If you put a super frame in the brood box they will draw it down the same size at the brood frames and 9 times out of 10 it will be drone comb. some people do this intentionally so they can cut it away as a varroa control measure.
  7. garethbryson

    What is your worst experience re: bee behaviour

    That happened 2 days ago when i was hiveing a nuc. not very pleasant and as you say it takes a minute to register that your seeing the top of the bee and not the underside..:iagree:
  8. garethbryson

    bell heather in flower

    I hope your in the south because all the heather up here in the north was burnt ta blazes during the last really dry spell..
  9. garethbryson

    White patch on back

    Thats mild for hymilayan balsam, My bees come back looking like ghosts..:D
  10. garethbryson

    Queen needed Please!!

    After waiting 4 weeks for a queen to get mated i have now got small patches of drone brood on the frames. I think the queen has went missing in action and i have laying workers. So if any of you still have a spare queens for sale i would be much obliged!! Gareth........
  11. garethbryson

    I passed my exams

    Na not just that complicated. Its the sort of thing that you have to try to fail. But i'm still quite proud of myself..
  12. garethbryson

    I passed my exams

    I just got my results for the preliminary beekeeping course. I got 92%. Happy days
  13. garethbryson

    Does anybody still have Queen's for sale??

    OK, Inspection done, Small area's of eggs. . Maybe 3 eggs per cell in some but alot with only one. i've seen that described on here as a new queen just getting the hang of things, and not laying workers. Now i just hope that when i look again i dont have a mass of drone brood.
  14. garethbryson

    Does anybody still have Queen's for sale??

    My queen went missing in action sometime round the 12th july, the bee's had not swarmed but i had a nice sealed QC on the bottom of a frame and 2 un sealed QS's on the face of one of the frames. I destroyed the two on the frame and left the one good looking one. It has hatched around the...
  15. garethbryson

    Culling drone brood reduces varroa

    What was more shocking was the multiple occupancy - as many as 6 in one cell. Thats probably the next generation, they go into the drone brood before they are sealed and breed in there.
  16. garethbryson

    Which Areas Are Still Getting Pollen?

    Plenty in Northern Ireland The blackberries are starting to bloom and there is alot of green pollen going in. I must have alot of hymilain balsam here too as there is alot of stores and i can see the destinctive white mohawk in their thorax. I didnt know what it was at the start. it looks very...
  17. garethbryson

    Queen sellers

    They are just irish mongerels. The seller doesnt breed anything in peticular. just his own queens and whatever they breed with,.
  18. garethbryson

    The Hive sitting saga.....

    I'm also "bee sitting" at the moment, My friend has gone for a weeks holiday and left me to look after his bee's. Before he left his queen vanished and he had a load of qc's. he had removed them all but 2 on one frame. i had a look in this evening and one has hatched and the other must have been...
  19. garethbryson

    Supercedure or swarmed?

    QC hatched. Fingers crossed now for a few weeks.
  20. garethbryson

    killed queen accidently - got new frame with eggs- lots of queen cells - what next

    yes reduce or you might get a load of casts. I'd just leave the best looking one. I know some people say to leave 2 but i've seen those swarm too in our association apairy..