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  1. P

    November Flowering OSR

    there is a feild at the back of my house in flower and i know it is osr as the farmer told me
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    sulphur strips

    i put empty broad box on top of supers and put two sulpher strips in a old been can with a couple of holes in sides set on fire then put roof on top
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    Mad Weather

    lots of bee,s out here collecting oil seed rape which as just started flowering in back field
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    varroa gaurd

    As anyone used varroa gaurd if so what results did you get. Regards Paul
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    thymol treatment

    Thanks for all replies .
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    thymol treatment

    It was four weeks
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    thymol treatment

    after thymol treatment how long after are varroa mites dying? as monitoring drops after could give a false reading
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    fields in flower

    thanks.yes it is mustard but droes look like oil seed rape from a distance when is it harvested?
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    fields in flower

    as anyone seen the amount of oilseed rape fields in flower. i live in lincolnshire and have seen four fields all in it been planted too early?
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    thymoll oasis gone

    Any ideas?
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    thymoll oasis gone

    i have tryed hive makers recipie for thymol treatment and is working well. but i have noticed on several hives after just one week oasis as compleatley gone. should i replace with more or just wait for week two before putting second dose in? regards paul
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    My inspection tray is stuck

    use vasaline on runners and the edge of board and it will not stick again
  13. P

    Thymol Varroa Treatment.

    i have trying thymol recipie and is working well the only problem seems to be after one week of treetment bee,s have cleared all oasis.should i replace with more after week one?
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    what's this brown stuff?

    Have you checked for snails trapped under board
  15. P

    cleaning empty supers

    forgot to mention i did try crown board under super
  16. P

    warming cabinet thermastat

    any one know were to get a thermastat for diy warming cabinet. regards paul
  17. P

    cleaning empty supers

    i have put empty supers back on hive for bee,s to clean they have cleaned but are refilling them.there is little stores in bb what is best way to make bee,s put stores in bb rather than back in super as i need to feed them and treat for varroa . regards paul
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    uniting nuc with national hive

    i know why there is no queen they swarmed with clipped queen and as a clipped queen cannot fly the swarm comes back to hive to wait for first virgin to hatch and they swarm with her. this is not the question i asked .what is the best way to unit a nuc with laying queen to a queenless national...
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    uniting nuc with national hive

    yes no queen .they swarmed and the queen was clipped so they came back.
  20. P

    uniting nuc with national hive

    hi all i have one national hive with no queen but i have a nuc with new queen laying what would be the best way to unit the two?.they are about two meters from each other with another hive inbetween. regards paul