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  1. R

    Which scope?

    Well lets start off with the fact that there are different microscope types for different uses. Dissection for studying bee anatomy, and detection of acarine a stereo dissecting microscope is required, this gives a 3-D view relatively low magnification and and upright view so that you can...
  2. R

    honey labels

    I have always thought that in my case: "Rudd, The Kingdom, The republic" would suffice
  3. R

    honey labels

    Oh. I don't think sp I cannot return a faulty jar to an email address.
  4. R

    Honey harvest, cloudy honey

    However if you don't have a centrifuge you can dilute the honey 10gms honey to 100cc water, stir well to have the honey dissolve and then let it settle in a draft free room for at least 24 hours. decant and mount and examine
  5. R

    Gormanstown 23 -27 July

    Not this year
  6. R

    where to find simple hive records for printing?

    Why are peole forgetting Dave Cushman's site? This site has almost any information on beekeeping (like record cards) available, and Dave was particular is making it all available free of copyright. the relevant link for Chris Slades recod card is
  7. R

    Pollen analysis

    Bee Keepers Quarterly couple of issue ago had an advertisement
  8. R the errors...

    I stand corrected: I was quoting from the Irish rules. Ruary
  9. R

    Clean Polynuc hive

    Washing soda is sodium carbonate not sodium hydroxide so a stronger strength would be used. The advice to sterilise for AFB spores is to clean by scraping, then the washing soda solution to remove final particles of wax / propolis and follow by a 20 minute soak in 0.5% solution of sodium...
  10. R the errors...

    Not quite true: if your best before date is day: month: year then you do not need a lot number otherwise it is required.
  11. R

    Minimum level of filtration

    Jaycox in his book shows a 'jokey' label devised by his students: ORGANIC HONEY (may contain bee parts) Ruary
  12. R

    Pollen question .

    I would suggest balackberry, there is 75% flowering in Kerry
  13. R

    BBJ grading glasses

    You want to be careful that they have not faded, the best advice is to keep a set carefully (in the dark to prevent fading) and then to check the ones in full use against that standard at intervals.
  14. R

    Triangular sieve rest

    three and a half times the radius of the sieves, that is if you want the support to just touch the sieve.
  15. R

    Bailey Comb Change

    Think of whaat you are trying to do with a Bailey Frame change: The object is to move the queen onto clean comb with minimum loss of brood. If you place the queen on her frame into a box of comb (drawn) and there is no excluder to stop her going down to the lower box where the brood nest is...
  16. R

    Oil of Cloves

    Handy for clearing slide preparations.
  17. R

    Sticky Slides

    The technique is to take a clean slide and place some glycerine jelly on it and make a smear. then dab a finger onto that smear and dab onto a clean slide. ( a smear from a semar), use the second slide for collecting a pollen sample by for example touching an anther onto the dabbed are. the...
  18. R

    Liz Williams R.I.P.

    Dear All, I regret to have to announce the Redmond Williams' wife, Elizabeth has died, peacefully, in the early hours of this morning. She has had a long battle with cancer. Funeral arrangements have not been made as yet. Ruary
  19. R

    Sticky Slides

    Is this for attaching pollen? Ruary