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  1. gwt_uk

    Any scouts at your swarm trap?

    Lots of scouts yesterday at one swarm trap but that was later in the day. Horrendous rain here in the Lothians today so doubt there will be much swarming.....maybe tomorrow!
  2. gwt_uk

    Super frames

    Extracted OSR honey at the weekend. Some frames were beginning to crystallise.
  3. gwt_uk

    "Swarmy" season - are we in for a second round?

    All 5 of my colonies have had swarm prep this year. I hope they/the splits don’t try it again! I am out of kit and space!!
  4. gwt_uk

    OSR Honey Ready

    Think the flow in the lothians has been a bit stop start with the weather.
  5. gwt_uk

    OSR Honey Ready

    Hello all, Anyone else having to take OSR honey off? I checked moisture content today and all frames tested were showing around 16%. Have out clearer boards on.
  6. gwt_uk

    Checking Honey in Hive with Virgin Queen

    Hello all, I have a hive that hopefully has a newly released virgin in it. The apiary is surrounded by OSR. I am leaving the BB alone for 3 weeks but can I still check the honey situation in the honey supers? Thanks
  7. gwt_uk

    Are bees more defensive when raising queen cells?

    I have had a similar experience. Seem to have calmed down now queen has emerged!
  8. gwt_uk

    None standard Hoffman frames

    Yes have had this first I thought I had assembled them incorrectly but then realised they had been manufactured incorrectly. Am trying a different supplier.
  9. gwt_uk

    Any scouts at your swarm trap?

    Sounds promising! I had 12 or so scouts at the Bait hive in my garden yesterday. I changed tactics from last year and have put it up higher this time.
  10. gwt_uk

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Checked on a new Nuc I made a week ago. All looking fine, queen laying well. She is a Buckfast queen I purchased last year so glad to keep her - she lays very nice brood patterns.Went back into the colony she came from and knocked down all the Queen cells that had been built - left 1. Found...
  11. gwt_uk

    RealisiticTimescales for New Queen to Lay.

    Thanks yes they have 1.5 supers of honey
  12. gwt_uk

    RealisiticTimescales for New Queen to Lay.

    Hello all, In had a hive that swarmed 7 days ago. I left one sealed queen cell in it. I did an inspection today and the queen cell has emerged. How long before the new queen starts to lay assuming she makes its! I have read varying accounts of timescale for new queens to lay. To thought I...
  13. gwt_uk

    Nurse Bee Activity

    Thank you
  14. gwt_uk

    Laying space for new queen

    Hello all, At the weekend I carried out swarm prevention on a colony, leaving a queen cell for them to make a new queen. Hopefully she will mate successfully and start laying in due course. In the meantime, once all the remaining brood has emerged is it likely that the bees will back fill the...
  15. gwt_uk

    Nurse Bee Activity

    Hello all, What do bees do in a hive with no brood to look after? i.e. when they are waiting on a Virgin queen to be mated and start laying. Do they all take to foraging duties? Thanks
  16. gwt_uk

    Left One Queen Cell

    Thank you - will do
  17. gwt_uk

    Treatment Free doesn't work

    Yes could have been many factors influencing build up
  18. gwt_uk

    Left One Queen Cell

    Thank you
  19. gwt_uk

    Left One Queen Cell

    Hello all, Today, for the first time in my beekeeping journey I removed a queen from a hive (after finding charged queen cells) and made up a Nuc with 3 frames of brood some stores and a couple shakes of bees. I left one QC in the hive and was planning on returning this weekend to see if more...
  20. gwt_uk

    Treatment Free doesn't work

    Last Autumn I decided to experiment and not to treat two colonies for Varroa. They were both located in a more isolated apiary to my other hives. Both survived the winter and one especially was well ahead of all my other hives in terms of bee numbers at the end of March. I am aware that this was...