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  1. Cussword

    nuc hive/box

    I currently have two nucs, if any of my three hived colonies seem weak this autumn I'll unite them with one of the nucs. If not I shall try to over Winter them in case of any Winter losses in the hived colonies. Or, if SWMBO does not notice, buy a couple more poly hives.:D .
  2. Cussword

    Giving up beekeeping

    You shouldn't talk about Finnie like that...:D :sorry: Just joking finster :spy:
  3. Cussword

    Extermination advise

    But isn't it deadlier in the freezing depths of winter. Also :iagree: about the coffee spraying emoticon, so glad I wasn't drinking when I read the post. .
  4. Cussword

    Wasp nest

  5. Cussword

    VSH Carnica

    That's a shame, you were proper chuffed to get the three. :(
  6. Cussword

    Supers back on or left off after honey spun off?

    Well, YOU may have offended HER more. :D
  7. Cussword

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

  8. Cussword

    Giving up beekeeping

    You have my sympathy:).
  9. Cussword

    Lidl - table saw for under £100.00

    Screwfix do one for a similar price.
  10. Cussword

    Varroa count

    In what way, because they are warmer? Does that mean that an insulated hive should be treated, and fed, later? How much later JBM, I was going to sublimate at the end of the month? .
  11. Cussword

    Is an Electric Smoker a good idea?

    I try to light my smoker well away from the hives and rarely use it except to clear the way to replace excluders,crown board etc. It does seem that the bees act a little different after it's lit than before when I was watching them at the entrances. .
  12. Cussword

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I'll have a couple if they're buckshee. ;)
  13. Cussword

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I seriously doubt that. :banghead:. :icon_204-2:
  14. Cussword


    Matchsticks anyone?? :sunning:
  15. Cussword

    Earliest time of day to move a nuc with a virgin queen?

    I'll reluctantly have to take the chance :(
  16. Cussword

    Earliest time of day to move a nuc with a virgin queen?

    Thanks, I'm not too worried about the fliers as they can beg their way back in to where they came from. It was all about the virgin queen, I'm hoping that she will have finished any mating flight by then.
  17. Cussword

    Earliest time of day to move a nuc with a virgin queen?

    Yes it's the swarm I caught yesterday. I was hoping I could move them around tea time as I'm unavoidably busy this evening, and away tomorrow.
  18. Cussword

    Earliest time of day to move a nuc with a virgin queen?

    I've been informed by their previous keeper that the swarm I picked up yesterday is headed by a virgin. I was going to move it today, knowing that any strays could go back to the hive they came from less than 100 yards away. Now I know that there's a virgin in there I don't want to move the nuc...
  19. Cussword

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Not at my apiary, but soon will be. Was called out to a good sized swarm (Well, nuc sized) this morning, hopefully I'll move them tonight or tomorrow. Family member happy for them to stay in her garden in the nuc, as long as needed. Happy days :). .
  20. Cussword

    Swarm advice please

    As said on post#2 . Wait at least three days before feeding. They should have stomachs full of honey, let them use that to provide them with the energy to build comb first. :) .