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  1. Cussword

    Drone Brood Rejection

    I have seen that happen before. There was no problem I could find :) .
  2. Cussword

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Try your local home brew shop. .
  3. Cussword

    4 or 5 treatments?

    3 times, 5 days apart. Check the drop. If it's still high-ish, treat once more. :)
  4. Cussword

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    That would explain the last swarm I collected. Huge (by my standards), but no eggs for weeks, and the queen was unmarked. I know that doesn't necessarily prove anything but I am sure she was a virgin. .
  5. Cussword

    Opinion on this

    :icon_204-2::icon_204-2: I found that too. :laughing-smiley-004
  6. Cussword

    Now that's made my eyes water!

    Just under my eyebrow earlier this year was a touch painful. Funny thing was, it didn't swell at all, until the week after when I was stung on my hand! :(
  7. Cussword

    oxalic vaporiser in poly hive?

    If you're handy, you can knock together an underfloor entrance for your poly. Sublimating is then simple. .
  8. Cussword

    New MM Nucs Feeder Drowning

    Unfortunately, it happens, every now and then. .
  9. Cussword

    feeding up and overwintering a nuc

    Well thank you sir??? :icon_bs:
  10. Cussword

    A Welsh Flow Hive Harvest

    Yay!!! .will the other one be getting the same attention?? .
  11. Cussword

    feeding up and overwintering a nuc

    So you're saying that the advice given on the forum is rubbish??? How much advice do you give on the forum, exactly? .
  12. Cussword

    Opinion on this

    It's no there :(
  13. Cussword


    Of course you're not using it to treat the bees? I only use it to stop the syrup going black and mouldy...:sifone: .
  14. Cussword

    Best price for sugar

    Ah, but you're the one with the rich wife. ;)
  15. Cussword

    Best price for sugar

    Same price today. I've been buying it for a couple of months and storing it in the cellar. As mentioned above, it's not a problem if it goes a little hard. Madasfish, I have been buying for home wine making too. The staff always get very interested:)
  16. Cussword

    Cutting Off a Queens Mandibles

    Are you a glutton for punishment?? :D
  17. Cussword

    Too late for a new queen?

    :iagree: Not making queen cells from introduced frames of eggs does not mean a hive is queen less. .
  18. Cussword

    Cutting Off a Queens Mandibles

  19. Cussword

    Cutting Off a Queens Mandibles
