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  1. Cussword

    Insulation in hives

    Very true, not an honest one between the lot of them.
  2. Cussword

    Insulation in hives

    You're right, but how many of them would argue with a colony of bees? :D .
  3. Cussword

    Late Varroa Treatment Due to Bereavement - Help!

    Moving last colony to new apiary, I also have a very herby syrup to deal with after that. Then, I'll be sublimating. Hoping that's me done. :willy_nilly:
  4. Cussword

    Should I be inspecting my hives

    But you can be bothered to make a remark about someone making, as you say, a very important point. :)
  5. Cussword

    Late Varroa Treatment Due to Bereavement - Help!

    Oxalic Acid by sublimation. 3-4 times 5 days apart. :)
  6. Cussword

    Whats Going On Newbies.

    Don't, you'll make him blush. :blush5:
  7. Cussword

    Perfume, the bee, the ant, me & A&E

    :rolleyes: I thought the creatures that were sent to the UK died. .
  8. Cussword

    Honey bee identification

    Google will throw up some pictures for you. Although most bees, if you haven't bought in a queen, are mongrels.
  9. Cussword

    Hive Insulation - October BBKA News

    :iagree: I think it was Beecraft that quoted Derek last year. It would be polite, following the rubbish (in my opinion) they've just printed, if BBKA News printed his findings. It would be handy. Then my association wouldn't think I was weird for covering my hives in celotex :D
  10. Cussword

    Putting super underneath?

    Who could not like you?? :D
  11. Cussword

    Hive Insulation - October BBKA News

    Careful Erica, he may sue... :icon_204-2:
  12. Cussword

    Poly hive and winter

    Well said that man. Folk should always ask about other's experience's. How else can we learn?? .
  13. Cussword

    A Welsh Flow Hive Harvest

    My mistake, sorry. :)
  14. Cussword

    A Welsh Flow Hive Harvest

    Karol, if you are referring to JBM'S post you should read it again. He was referring to truble the troll. Fortunately he can no longer cause any upset.
  15. Cussword

    Oxalic acid & Noseam

    That's what I did successfully last year, and I'm in the process of doing this year. Although the Oxalic acid will be sublimated, not dribbled. .
  16. Cussword

    Honey label help.

    Kentish honey?
  17. Cussword

    Asian Hornet - Update

    I can see what could be a small problem. With one hand they are asking everyone to register on beebase for the hornet problem. That makes sense. On the other hand the inspectors are being used to check for illegal treatments, purely for monetary reasons* That is causing some folk to go " off...
  18. Cussword

    Wearing wellies

    My nurse said WOW!! :D
  19. Cussword

    Wearing wellies

    Millie ole' A new name for you :D
  20. Cussword

    Wearing wellies

    My eyes are watering... no, not with laughter.. :smilielol5: Well, OK just a little bit but you do have my sympathy :D