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  1. manek

    Holes in supers

    I decided to render it down and give them fresh foundation - and use mouse-tight storage next winter...
  2. manek

    Holes in supers

    Oh well, too late! The wax is already in a black placcy bag, awaiting the big melt. I didn't realise the bees would be able to fill in holes that big. Next time...
  3. manek

    Holes in supers

    Thanks! Little blighters - ruined some lovely drawn comb... Never mind, I'll render it down and turn it into something.
  4. manek

    Holes in supers

    Intrigued. I started prepping for the new season today: checked through the equipment, including half a dozen drawn supers from last year, all nice and tightly wrapped. Opened up the wrapping and found they all had big holes in the middle. It's not wax moth - there's no sign of that mess they...
  5. manek

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Also checked for fondant - warm-ish day at 11-12 degrees saw them flying a bit. Plenty remaining so no need for action. I'm also delighted with my new poly crown board as I can see what's going on without disturbing them. Sent from my Mi A2 Lite using Tapatalk
  6. manek

    Lost colonies

    I fed them in September / October - and the feeders were Miller feeders. Two of those full is not enough? Sent from my Mi A2 Lite using Tapatalk
  7. manek

    Lost colonies

    Thank you for your thoughts, O beekeepers. It's much appreciated. I've learnt about my own ignorance as much as anything.
  8. manek

    Lost colonies

    On the top bars.
  9. manek

    Lost colonies

    There was some evidence of nosema on a couple of frames but not a lot.
  10. manek

    Lost colonies

    These colonies were all bought this year from Payne, who I was told treat them. I plan to treat using OA this month.
  11. manek

    Lost colonies

    This week, I went to check on an apiary I'm looking after on behalf of a company, and found three dead hives. It had been almost a month since my last visit. One I knew about - the blue mouldy bees in the images (one of the frame, the other a close-up), which I need to clear out (please ignore...
  12. manek

    Low varroa drop

    Hmm, OK, I'll treat asap. Sent from my Mi A2 Lite using Tapatalk
  13. manek

    Low varroa drop

    With one hive dropping zero varroa in a week and the other just three over the same period, I'm wondering whether to treat at all. I normally sublimate OA so I don't have to decide right now but it's where I am going at the moment.
  14. manek

    Dead bee sting

    Well done, sir!
  15. manek

    Dead bee sting

    "was you ever bit by a dead bee?" Props to anyone who can name the film that quote comes from.
  16. manek

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Invert is what I've fed them so far. Sent from my Mi A2 Lite using Tapatalk
  17. manek

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I shall take what you say on board - and not automatically top up the feeder until I can see the nadirs being emptied.
  18. manek

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Fair point, thanks. I'm concerned not to repeat what happened last winter when I lost a colony to starvation. Would they not just take what they need, though?
  19. manek

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Nadired TWO supers (one was in the normal position, the other above the crown board, and both have stores in them, capped and uncapped), added a full-frame feeder and filled it with invert syrup. That should give them something to do.
  20. manek

    Wrong end of the alphabet

    The happy coda to this sad tale is that I've been offered colonies by two members of my local association. Feeling choked...