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  1. S

    swarm in box with QE under What next pls!!

    You could always add a frame of brood from the parent hive ensuring you take no queen cells. This will encourage them to stay, if you have any drawn comb add this to as it immediately gives them somewhere to lay and store food. You can safely leave the queen excluder ther till tomorrow night and...
  2. S

    Help needed on supercedure (soon)

    Either 2 or 3 would work or an Apidea for a short length of time. If 2or 3 give a little amount of brood as well.
  3. S

    Today's lesson

    couldnt agree more admin I was just about to suggest the same.
  4. S

    Unusual request

    on a flipant note you dont reckon their after female company then all 30 or so thousand
  5. S

    How do they know?

    It may seem obvious but would not the size in the cell tell the worker bees whether the cell needs a dome capping. A drone laying queen will lay eggs in a worker cell but the workers will stil put domed capping on these. so its not the cell size that dictates it it therefore is in all...
  6. S

    Any cheap sugar?

    Bookers will recognise beekeepers and sell to them take your bbka registration card and if they query your right to buy get them to contact head office.
  7. S

    need a bit of advice

    You appear to have mixed things up a bit here. The old queen should have gone in with 1 frame of stores one frame of brood and some foundation or drawn comb preferably and been placed in the position of the old hive. The rest of the bees, brood and stores together with the old brood box should...
  8. S

    Bees Outside the hive?

    Probably having a crap and a hive orientation flight , all my hives did the same between 5 and 6 tonight
  9. S

    Just when I thought I was getting the hang of it!!

    No need for extra space do an artificial swarm but put a swarm board above the new box on the old site with fresh foundation and the Queen.then the swarm board and then the old box above this with the entrance in a different direction to the one below, then the crown board then the roof. The...
  10. S

    Can anyone help funny thing happend

    I find a handy trick is after you have daubed her with the marker to daub her with some honey the bees go for the honey having cleaned her of honey they are quite familiar with her pheramones and leave her alone I have not found this method to fail.
  11. S

    Hi all

    A tangent thats the methodology of a type of extracter not silly at all
  12. S

    Crazy Bulls new honey shed thread!

    Stainless steel or melomine will both work, However the key to the whole thing is ensuring no cracks or gaps as you touch walls ensure you have a good curved seal going up the wall using silicon sealant. no corners for crap to build up in and which ever surface you use make sure you put a drip...
  13. S

    top bar hive

    double problem here in that to transpose them you are going to have to move them 3 miles away or they are going to reoccupy the hive again. How about making up an adapter to sit on one end at a time using ply that will let you locate say 8 commercial frames at right angles to the top bars and...
  14. S

    Ivy stores

    If you have that much stores in the form of granulated honey it might be worth considering removing one or two of these frames and putting some drawn comb in there to give the queen some where unclutterd to lay after all I note that this is a wbc and therefore only has 10 frames she needs space...
  15. S

    Good idea or not?

    Funfly and MBC how about ammending your location in your profile so we can see where you are located so when you say the weather up here is still cold we know where abouts you are talking about
  16. S

    What a surprise.....

    I might have been inclined to put a swarm board {solid crown board with an entrance in the top Half) between the boxes and let them exist as 2 colonies under one roof.
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    Still use creosote on my hives and have been doing so for years with no known problems
  18. S

    To Glue Or not to Glue

    no probs gluing using PVA but as you indicated dont glue the bottom bars or at least one of them. However if you do boil your frames at any later stage this will weaken if not remove the glue.
  19. S

    Queen Question

    It used to be a commonly believed legend that Queens only go on one maiden flight, however it is now supposized that more than one maiden flight can take place but these will be close together. After that provided she has not been clipped she will only fly when she swarms, this of course could...
  20. S


    To my knowledge the Bee inspectors are well aware of the situation with regards honey packers particularily R in oxfordshire but I beleive they have no action in law to insist that packers actually seal supposedly empty containers or to insist on cleaning of spillages that take place. In fact as...