true had no calls for 10 days then 2 today,, one had gone in a pillar 10 mins before I got there .. smoked them out and saw the queen,, picked her up and placed her in the nuc box.. just picked them up
sorry I am going to move them about 5 miles.. the largest one wont fit in my van and the other one I was going to give it some more bees so I would probably lift 2 supers off and place them on the other hive then take the donated hive away.. the reason I asked the question was I wondered.. would...
hi I have got a hive that I want to move and there is 4 supers on it, they are full of bees. The question is could I take 2 of the supers away and place them on another hive with bees in them using the newspaper method???? so in thery have 2 hives with 2 supers on each..
well I can only tell you my experience with bought in queens/ the ones I have bought before have been laying after a week/// have you seen the queen lately?? have they killed her??