Swarm cluster on the grass

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May 5, 2013
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North London
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Just out of interest, how would one collect a swarm that had clustered on the grass please?

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Put a box, preferably a skep, I use the bottom of a straw type linen basket, over them and they will climb up to cling on to the top. Gently lift it after half an hour And slip a floor underneath, I use the lid of the laundry basket! I rest the skep on the edge of the lid to leave a gap, when the sun goes down I take them and knock them into a hive.
Put the nuc right way up on the grass, with the entrance as close to the bees as possible, they should walk in. To encourage them you could scoop a few into the box first.
I picked one up last night off the grass, put a cardboard box over the biggest part as described above then on my knees found the Q. Placed her in the box with those that had already climbed the walls, 20 minutes later at home in a nuc.

so yes it really can be that easy
Don't forget they want somewhere warm and safe and if it already has some wax foundation or a drawn comb in it and no other bees then what could be more inviting! A little smoke behind them will hurry them along a bit!
Thanks enrico, followed your advice and worked a treat. Only initial issue was that I'd taped some cardboard over the mesh floor and the weight of the bees pulled it down, removed and the climbed up the sides, turned over and put on roof then let stragglers in through entrance. Hopefully I got the queen but light was failing when I got there. Safely in the box now with frames and queen excluder over entrance, hopefully they will settle in.

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things never go as you plan ;) ... Went out this morning to find a small cluster on front of hive and when looked insode the rest disappeared. Checked the hive next door to find a large cluster under the OMF. Ok, so you need encouragement to stay put? I placed a frame of eggs and brood in the hive the hive then slowly brushed in the small cluster, then lifted the other hive over the top and let the bigger cluster drop in. Bees then started fanning at entrance too to attract fliers. Hopefully they will stay put this time with a nice little patch of eggs and brood to care for and some pollen and a bit of honey. All fun though.
Well done, all good experience and the quickest way to learn about how bees react.
Hope they stay in for you. They may decide they want a larger space as they are thinking of the future so get a brood box ready even if you have to close half of it off. I never bother if the weather is warm, they expand as they would naturally as long as they have the room.