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  1. Monsieur Abeille

    So how much did you spend this year?

    £234.47 down from £295.40 last year, mainly jars and frames. That's the joy of having all the kit you need.
  2. Monsieur Abeille


    Just need to fill it up with fruit juice and jam now
  3. Monsieur Abeille

    Top Tip of the Day

    Ah, but you wont notice the difference then!
  4. Monsieur Abeille

    Top Tip of the Day

    It seems that if you clean out your smoker after 6 years, it works a lot better!
  5. Monsieur Abeille

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Finished apilife var applications, a couple of hives had a decent drop so will be lined up for oxalic this winter. Glad to see some brood in all three hives, if not very much in two of them. Hopefully their queens will get back in the groove
  6. Monsieur Abeille

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Put on 3rd (and last) ApiLife Var treatment. Not overly warm so I didnt bother them further
  7. Monsieur Abeille

    treat and feed

    You don't say what your intended treatment is - no problem with MAQs or Apilife Var
  8. Monsieur Abeille

    Mouse Gaurds

    Want to be on by the time frost comes along.
  9. Monsieur Abeille

    Wholesale Honey price - for jarred honey

    Very much in OSR land - always get a better crop from that than the rest of the year
  10. Monsieur Abeille

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    2nd week of Apilife Var and queens seem to have all gone off brood. Sufficient stores in all while still leaving plenty of space for baby bees should the queens get back in the mood. Returned one super box of unripe/crystallised stores underneath a brood box for the first time, never had much...
  11. Monsieur Abeille

    Wholesale Honey price - for jarred honey

    Its a question of supply and demand - I (that is the bees!) normally produce less runny, and that always goes quicker.
  12. Monsieur Abeille

    Which sublimator/vapouriser?

    Theres certain folk in the carpark nearby do something similar!
  13. Monsieur Abeille treat or not to treat

    Not sure I've found the right post, but very good luck to you and well done if you are succeeding.
  14. Monsieur Abeille treat or not to treat

    I'm also quite nervous of MAQs - purely down to the various negative reports than any first hand catastrophes. As far as Apilife Var is concerned, I've always found it does a good job, not lost any colonies so far anyway. Icing sugar may possibly do some small amount of good but I believe...
  15. Monsieur Abeille treat or not to treat

    Thats great - you obviously have a lot of colonies, so do you think your bees resistant or do you have another method of keeping infestation down?
  16. Monsieur Abeille treat or not to treat

    Sorry Trem, couldnt resist. I always do an autumn treatment after harvest, thymol (Apilife var) mainly though I've dabbled with MAQs in the past. Decision on winter oxalic will largely depend on amount of infestation shown up by the autumn treatment. Think I may have done a spring treatment...
  17. Monsieur Abeille

    Which sublimator/vapouriser?

    Very interested in the apparently sudden upsurge in interest of these, I've not been on here that much the past year or two but I recall a fair amount of opposition to them previously which seems to have been forgotten. Ever the sheep I'm getting interested! Had a look on eBay at some and was...
  18. Monsieur Abeille treat or not to treat

    How about not treating your bees and let us know how you get on? Perhaps they will be the clever ones that learn how to conquer varroa, and you won't have big losses! :party:
  19. Monsieur Abeille

    Wholesale Honey price - for jarred honey

    £4.50 for soft set, £5 for runny, all in 12oz hex jars, all sold over the gate or in local pub (very popular with the B&B clientèle). Fully expect to sell out long before next season, but then I don't produce much.
  20. Monsieur Abeille

    this season's yield

    Started with 2 hives in spring, rising to 3 during summer. Several swarms in and out (not overly diligent with my swarm control). About 80 lbs from OSR and 50lbs from the rest of the year which is average to good for my bees.