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  1. bontbee

    rhombus board - really needed ?

    Mmmm, I know. I, too, have a 40 mile round trip, which is why I have always done it. But, I have also regretted it too.... I now have the luxury of a bit more time so, get out early, put the boards on, visit friends/go for a walk etc and at least 2 supers/hive are clear enough within four...
  2. bontbee

    rhombus board - really needed ?

    One major advantage of an efficient clearer board over shake and brush is that hives are open for an absolute minimum of time. By the time several supers have been shaken/brushed, there will be a lot of bees in the air and a strong smell of honey. It can cause mayhem in an apiary, especially...
  3. bontbee

    filter mesh size?

    Could it be smuts from the smoker - I used to get them when I was too heavy handed with it.
  4. bontbee

    June gap

    Haven't noticed a June gap for several years but, in the last couple of days, none of the hives I've been through have had fresh nectar - and Q laying reduced too. (No obvious evidence of swarm preps either....) Plenty of (apparent) forage available. Could it possibly be too dry? in Wales????
  5. bontbee


    So, it's all, like, frustrating and, like, annoying and you know what it's like, like? I don't like it!!
  6. bontbee

    Lesser celandine. Start of spring?

    I think Millet's are Anemone blanda or Windflower. I've had blue and white in the past, and I believe that there is a pink version, too....
  7. bontbee

    Cross over point

    :iagree:I have a large S. aucuparia in the garden - there's often lots of bees on it, but I've only seen pollen collected...
  8. bontbee


    :yeahthat: Sorry to disagree PH but my abiding memory of opening a jar of OSR honey is the smell of.....cabbage.
  9. bontbee

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    :iagree: I've seen them working tete a tete, but never on the King Alberts
  10. bontbee

    Tradex - Perrycroft Bees

    Ah ha! Thanks for clarifying that, sean-a. Their website shows a rather wrinkly piece of foundation and I had been wondering if this was down to the density/stability of the rollers but, perhaps, it's down to the paper? I confess that, as it's made of what appears to be plywood, I thought the...
  11. bontbee

    Tradex - Perrycroft Bees

    Thanks Sean. I don't think I'm familiar with "backing paper". How does that work? ta
  12. bontbee

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Or they might, possibly, have been robbers....:(
  13. bontbee

    Tradex - Perrycroft Bees

    Hi, Did any of you lucky ones who managed to get to Tradex this year see this? May I ask what you thought about it? Thanks
  14. bontbee

    Replacement veil/material?

    This looks just like the sort of mesh used by Sherriff. I don't know if it's exactly the same stuff but the mesh on Sherriffs' veils is much softer, more pliable and less reflective than the BBWear veil. Despite being apparently more fragile, I haven't had any prob. I'm often near brambles...
  15. bontbee

    LED Grow lights

    Lamps, when I were a lad. Bulbs is what you plant in the ground;)
  16. bontbee

    U-configured apiary layout

    I have read that features such as shrubs/trees/large stones etc, help bees orientate within an apiary. Unfortunately, my apiaries are too small to have the luxury of 12' between hives so I generally have two ranks - facing in opposite directions so I'm not walking in front of the entrance of...
  17. bontbee

    Painting Poly Hives

    Just to clarify...I don't paint the mating surfaces, either, because paint seems to like to stick to itself, (just as well, I s'pose, otherwise it would be pointless painting more than one coat on anything!), so I don't find any problems with separating the boxes. I am just sooo clumsy; I...
  18. bontbee

    Planning Permission advice

    There are also Hedgerow Regulations - though from what you describe as brambles wouldn't qualify as a hedge for even the most assiduous LPA officer!
  19. bontbee

    Urban Apiculture Dissertation

    Unfotunately, we also have a lot less forage - for all pollinators - than we had 30 years ago....
  20. bontbee

    Using frames in a horizontal hive?

    I was gifted a TBH without a roof, so I made a (slightly) pent roof out of celotex. Seems to do the job and, although the hive is 4' long and wide enough to take national frames attached to top bars (aids introduction of BS nucs:)), it's a doddle to lift off* single handedly as it's so light...