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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. For want of a better word

    Maisemore sale

    And hopefully a large cheque from honey sales!!! Chons da
  2. For want of a better word

    European Foulbrood Suspected

    As with the other comments. Keep ALL equipment clean and if possible have separate kits in each apiary. Lidded bucket with washing soda and red bleach solution at each apiary is a good idea. It outweighs a few hundred quid going up in flames in destruction shurley????> Should be compulsory...
  3. For want of a better word

    Painting a bee hive

    Creosote honey was very popular in my Grandfather's days in Croydon Surrey... now we have Manuka!!!!!!!! Chons da
  4. For want of a better word

    Not mixing supers

    Supers and frames are all coded so that they can go back on the same hive. Lesson learned after EFB discovered in one apiary and fortunately contained effectively dealt with by our SBI... a few years back now. Down side is that many more supers needed whilst waiting for SWMBO to get on with...
  5. For want of a better word

    Maisemore sale

    I should be buying shares in the company! Yet another £1K on a few cedar supers and a couple of frames... and foundation to suit..... but at least we get the VAT back! Happy days Chons da
  6. For want of a better word


    If I was starting over to keep bees ... the one thing you definitely do not want is a swarm of bees..... unless you can be absolutely certain from whence they came! Too many clowns out there collecting swarms already. Start with a couple of nucs from a reputable UK bee breeder.. who does not...
  7. For want of a better word

    What is the process of starting bee farming

    :winner1st::iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree::winner1st: You would be better off starting a catch and release carp fishery! Find land with a muddy hole, throw some carp fish in, charge fishermen/ anglers £150 a day to catch them and put them back!! Sit back and count the cash Chons da
  8. For want of a better word

    June gap

    My Yellow bees are being fed fondant... even though the bramble is out and the RWH fire weed had started does not seem to be warm enough for the nectaries to be filled. Natives are all thriving.... saw some HB in flower in the Lynher Valley yesterday. Warning to would be tourists to...
  9. For want of a better word

    What are my options for a laying worker colony

    Bit of a faff! Make up some brood frames to take the apidea frames ( We have used a couple of bits of 90 deg angle to slide fit small frames in place.) Shake out colony from DLW hive... IN FRONT OF THE HIVE... Place frames with all the bees and laying queen from the apidea into hive ( now with...
  10. For want of a better word

    Moving Queen out of apedia.

    As soon as you see eggs..... risk is she may be a drone layer.... just a risk! Chons da
  11. For want of a better word

    Endless Supersedure?

    Mark and clip the queen so that you can find her. If she is laying, break down any queen cells the bees bring on.... so frequent checks 7 day? Probably ditch that queen line and start with a new nuc ( non imported !) sourced locally. Chons da
  12. For want of a better word

    Honey in the winter

    That seems to be the general idea.. you can keep them stacked in the freezer room to keep the wax moth away.
  13. For want of a better word

    Honey in the winter

    What a good idea... but shirley a 14 x 12 behemoth of a colony would need two supers full to overwinter on?
  14. For want of a better word

    Honey Jar Sterilisation

    50 colonies is a bit more than a hobby? Buy a commercial dishwasher.... you will probably secure one soon at a bankruptcy sale for a knockdown price... someone has to win out of this Covidiot HMG enforced financial disaster! Then you will have to find somewhere to sell your honey. Chons da
  15. For want of a better word

    It's all very sad

    Nicely put Shiney! I have found over the years that swarms of bees are not so much an annoyance or a nuisance to the greater unwashed, that an opportunity for the beekeeper to educate the public as to the "plight" of bees and how they are a part of nature as much as the wildflowers, song birds...
  16. For want of a better word

    English pedantry

    OR the "boris swarm board"... makes bees do a U turn and return to the hive!!
  17. For want of a better word

    English pedantry

    Peasant pedantry.....:winner1st:
  18. For want of a better word

    Italian Bees

    What ever happened to Acarin???... never hear of it now... even in the Isle of Man where they do not have Varroa ( Because they had the good sense to ban imports of bees and hive related products)
  19. For want of a better word

    Italian Bees

    I had some a few years back when we moved to the South Hams from Surrey. I wanted a bee adapted to the local conditions and purchased a few nucs from a beekeeper who had brought in bees from New Zealand. He said they were Italian bees. Very fucund... tendancy to starve in June. Produced a...