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  1. Jon.21

    What to do with old brood frames full of honey

    Hi. Had no diseases this year so went for it. Put an empty 14x12 box on top of the crown board and put 5off national frames in it spaced a few inches apart and within 2 days they have almost taken it all down.
  2. Jon.21

    What to do with old brood frames full of honey

    The general advice at my local club is to rotate out to mitigate against disease risk after a few years. To be honest it’s Pretty old dark comb (from the original hive I had) but the main reason is because they are national frames with drone brood on the bottom as used in 14x12 box and not in...
  3. Jon.21

    What to do with old brood frames full of honey

    Hi. At a new point in my bee keeping journey. Now at the point 3 years into bee keeping where I am now rotating out the old frames. I have 10off 14x12 frames in the garage to dispose of but there is around 1kg to 1.5kg of honey I estimate on average per frame across all frames so at least 10kg...
  4. Jon.21


    Thanks all. Yes it’s on a stand. Have just gone out and removed the floor and replaced with an empty brood box and then put original brood on top. Waited 10mins and could see the bees falling down to the ground every now and again.
  5. Jon.21


    Hi. Need a bit of help. Got 5 hives in my garden and this one, for the past week has had bees on the ground shaking. Some are shiny black. Noticeably larger pile of dead bees as well in front of this hive compared to other. Is it CBPV? Got another week before i go in to inspect as 2 weeks ago...
  6. Jon.21

    Where are the wasps?

    Been thinking the same. Seen no wasps for weeks as well. Only seen queen wasps early on in spring. Also very few solitary bees. Seen a few European hornets though. Definitely more hornets than last year.
  7. Jon.21

    Sanity Check BS Honeybees nuc + Maisemore Brood chambers

    thanks both. Hadn’t realised the price difference was so big so will probably opt for the cheaper option and get the bs honey bees 14x12 eke if they pretty much do the same thing.
  8. Jon.21

    Sanity Check BS Honeybees nuc + Maisemore Brood chambers

    Hi. Looking at this myself as I have 14x12 bs honeybee nucs. Wondering whether it would work if I buy the maisemore brood body like you but instead of the bs honey bees 14x12 eke buy the maisemore 14x12 eke ? Would this still give the right bee space ? so it would be working bottom to top the...
  9. Jon.21

    Get rid of swarming impulse when in a Demaree configuration

    Apologies…..Colony was on around 8 frames of brood and 2 supers covering about 80 percent of the frames in the top super and no swarm prep I.e. no charged queen cells when I did the first demaree.
  10. Jon.21

    Get rid of swarming impulse when in a Demaree configuration

    Great thanks. Like the sound of that. Out of interest do you think my suggestion would work ?
  11. Jon.21

    Get rid of swarming impulse when in a Demaree configuration

    Thanks. How would that work ?
  12. Jon.21

    Get rid of swarming impulse when in a Demaree configuration

    In my 4th year of beekeeping and still iterating to a solution that works for me to maintain around 4 colonies. Last year I successfully used the pre emptive demaree to maintain and not increase the number of colonies I have (4off colonies). Ended up doing 3off demaree last year. This year I...
  13. Jon.21

    Change in behaviour - aggressive

    Mine were angry for a couple of weeks after OSR finished but now colonies are even bigger but just as calm as they were when the OSR was on. Last year had the same experience. Definitely OSR finishing makes them more likely to fly up during inspections and go for the face and follow. Now they...
  14. Jon.21

    Charged queen cells in top box of demaree after nearly 3 weeks.

    ah well I do in fact wait 3 weeks then swap the top and bottom boxes over leaving queen on frame with brood in the bottom box. Hence my surprise that after 3 weeks I get charged queen cells in the top box.
  15. Jon.21

    Charged queen cells in top box of demaree after nearly 3 weeks.

    Ah I see. I normally do a rolling demaree swapping top and bottom boxes every 3 weeks.
  16. Jon.21

    Charged queen cells in top box of demaree after nearly 3 weeks.

    Hi. Confused because I thought there was no chance of a queen cell after 7 days of doing the demaree as there would be nothing young enough for the bees to work with. I suppose laying worker is an option.
  17. Jon.21

    Charged queen cells in top box of demaree after nearly 3 weeks.

    Little bit confused on this one. On the 5th may I did a demaree. Queen in bottom box then queen excluder, 3 supers, queen excluder then top box (previously bottom box). After a week I went in and knocked down any queen cells in the top box. Since then each week I have inspected and found the...
  18. Jon.21

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Feels like it’s flowering much earlier than last year.
  19. Jon.21

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Thanks. Tried 2 apps and they cam back with brassicas both times but one said oil seed rape and the other turnips.