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  1. M

    Allergic reaction

    I don't know the answer but have you tried visiting a friend's apiary, doing the same thing to see if it happens there? If it doesn't it could indicate it's something at the location of your apiary, not the bees or hive.
  2. M

    Just inherited two hives ......Help !

    As said the best thing you can do is to ring your local association and see if someone can mentor you. Most associations run courses for new beekeepers which would be a good start as there's lots to learn! When the Spring comes you might find yourself overwhelmed when they become active - they...
  3. M

    hive not inspected for 2years. what to expect?

    Personally I'd not OA them - yet. As previously said check stores and wait until Spring. If they are found to be riddled with varroa you then have the option to shook swarm and treat with OA. That way you get a clean hive, new frames and hopefully no varroa. However, it may be that they are...
  4. M

    Oxalic Treatment and Timing

    To be honest I don't know. Are some mites slightly harder to kill than others and last a few days longer, or is it how fast the bees transfer the solution and remove it from the hive? Pity Finman's banned - his opinion would be interesting!
  5. M

    How to bring bees and fondant together

    Maybe go into next year with a spare colony in a nuc, in addition to any full colonies you have? I used to have 6 colonies but have cut down to 2 now. Plus I also over winter a nuc. I do this because I've been in a similar position in the past and at least this way I have all my bee eggs in...
  6. M

    How to bring bees and fondant together

    Sounds like a small colony. I have one doing the same, but it is the runt colony compared to the others. I pressed some soft fondant over the cluster on the frames and left the rest above the crown board. I did this last week so it was not too cold and some came up to take it. I also listened...
  7. M

    Oxalic Treatment and Timing

    I have treated despite a low drop. In four days the nuc has dropped 14, the others are at an out apiary so I don't know how many have dropped there so far. The nuc had zero drop before Xmas. I expect some brood but it should be low numbers and oxalic can work for a couple of weeks I'm led to...
  8. M

    Oxalic Acid strength

    Me too.
  9. M

    Oxalic Acid strength

    If you google '6% oxalic acid bees' you'll see this question has been discussed before both on this forum and others. I think someone mentioned buying some from P***nes. Strengths are also discussed in the below link.
  10. M

    Cheap Bait Box

    This might help
  11. M

    Foundationless beekeeping

    Although I did this a few years ago I am certain that the occasional full frame of drone was produced as I can remember putting complete frames in the chicken run for them to peck out. I wouldn't have done this if worker brood was present. I'm not saying they will always make a full frame of...
  12. M

    Foundationless beekeeping

    Hi Pargayle, I used a foundation-less mix for about 2 years so was speaking from experience*. I found the bees took advantage of the lack of foundation regardless on where the frame was positioned. I wouldn't do the mixed method again but would consider 100% without foundation if I could be sure...
  13. M

    Foundationless beekeeping

    If it's the only non foundation frame you may end up with a whole frame of drone, especially during swarming season!
  14. M

    Foundationless beekeeping

    I used to do this and found they filled the frame with comb without any problems. The only issue I had was they tended to build drone comb as their natural drone % appeared to be suppressed by the foundation frames that surrounded them. It was not uncommon to see 50/50 worker/drone on such frames.
  15. M

    Foundationless beekeeping

    Tom, Have you tried a shook swarm just using the foundation-less frames, if so will they build straight comb in your opinion?
  16. M

    Foundationless beekeeping

    An interesting thread by Tom. I tried frames without foundation a few years ago, but alternated them with foundation frames so the bees drew the combs straight down using the foundation as a guide. I glued lolly sticks to the top and sides of the frames to further encourage vertical comb...
  17. M

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    OA the colonies yesterday including the nuc I moved to the garden. Since moving it in November I have never seen varroa on the drop tray. After 24 hours just two dead varroa and the bees have been flying again this morning. However, plenty of bees in it and I suspect there may be some brood. I...
  18. M

    Darwin Awards

    Top tip from our bee inspector when I started - get a weed burner with a click lighter built in - they had them in Aldi for about £12 a few weeks ago. Saves messing with ciggy lighters and means you can light the smoker at arms length. I was also told I'd fail the basic exam if I lit the smoker...
  19. M

    Theft in Staffordshire

    Not necessarily. Sub stations get the copper cable nicked by non electricians despite the danger that normal citizens see.
  20. M

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Removed the rapid feeders placed during last week's yuk weather. The virgin queen hive now calm, didn't get harassed or followed. Lots of pollen going in so hopefully she's mated. Will open up later this week or next when she's had a chance to lay. Lots of pollen going in the yellow queen colony...