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  1. B

    How do your bees behave in hot weather?

    it can get like this if it stays really hot and its a strong colony
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    Is there still a shortage of bees this year?

    Joy it depends how long they have been q/less, they may be heading to laying workers and that will start a new problem, even if they do get a couple of queens
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    Honey Bucket Stand

    The Fillyboy product is marketed by Swienty
  4. B

    Starting a jenter cycle

    If you cannot find the queen you could always find a frame of recently hatched eggs, ideally 12 hour old larvae and graft them onto the brown cell holders then assemble the lot into the cell frame, it saves three days and you do not have to find the queen.
  5. B

    P**nes Poly Hives

    They do, I bought ten earlier this year and they came with everything exept the frames and you could have paid extra for those if you wanteed. The thing that has to be kept in mind is that the hive has been designed by proffesional beekeepers and they obviously have certain constraints with...
  6. B

    Red pollen?

    Definetely horse chestnut (conker trees) the combs can look like they are bleeding the colour is so strong
  7. B

    Spray kill?

    What are your ideas Chris, they charge to test for spray kill don't they and from what I was told last year it can take a while for results. This problem may be worse next year with no Neonics and more active sprays being applied to crops possibly, I guess we will have to wait and see, glad...
  8. B

    Spray kill?

    were there dead bees on the floor of the hive as well chris? did the remaining bees come up between the frames and tremble? If it was spray kill surely other hives would suffer to some extent on the same site. I had similar last year and suspected the same as you or possibly my bees robbing out...
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    Bee Hives on Allotments

    This has been discussed at lengh on here before, personally I have had to help a lady move her bees from an allotment for 2-3 years all was ok then one year after the rape had finished and the bees were a little tetchy, one or two got stung and the change of attitude was virtually instant and...
  10. B

    Packages - I feel like a beginner

    with the distinct lack of replies I guess not many do packages that get here?!!!!!
  11. B

    Top Bar Hive

    Sort of defeats the object of mites dropping to the floor, if bees can get in to clean, the mites just hop back on for a free lift back in the colony surely
  12. B

    At what rate are supers going on

    I could take that personally LOL (The word eminent does'nt apply in any way) kev
  13. B

    Overwintering Queens in mating/mini nucs

    Tried to load these with my post last night, hopefully admin has sorted, here goes
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    Overwintering Queens in mating/mini nucs

    I have wintered kieler mini nucs for a few years now, I have made feeders for the top storey and added two extra bars in the lower box, this enables fondant top-up without slitting the box in winter. The lower feeder will not fit in the top as the top section is shallower than the main box. Also...
  15. B

    Drone Brood

    Especially the Buckfast drones, they seem to have built up far better than any others I have.
  16. B

    Packages - I feel like a beginner

    Hi Chris There is a fair bit on the Web and video of how it's done in the US but nothing mentioned about temperatures, the way the last few days have been if the they were not all in boxes they would be dead now I would think, we had hard frost here last night Kev
  17. B

    Suggestions for a cut out. Please.

    get the owners to sign a disclaimer, they are keen on getting the bees removed until they may have to pay up for remedial work after the bees are gone, I got involved once and the people were ok but never again.
  18. B

    Poly hive repair

    I have some Pxxxes this year to try, Roger said car bodyfiller is fine obviously not got any insulation value but a huge hole does'nt have any either
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    mating hives and heat loss

    Doesn't. Matter what it's made of the badgers ripped them of their stand and ate all but the poly and top bars, bees eaten aswell.
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    Hive spotting this weekend

    I thought that was top secret!!!!!