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  1. B

    treating super stacks

    I use a thxxxes sulphur burner stood in a broodbox over a stack, had no corrosion problems yet, should not have said that, they will all go rusty now
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    Queenless after MAQs

    Also a well known fact long before MAQ's is that using Formic can kill queens, the old pads, evaporators etc all COULD have queen problems
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    MAQS, do you still need to use Oxalic ?

    Like I said on another thread, there has been a long thread on bee l about MAQ's and there appears to be some doubt about the mite kill in cells as mite numbers seem to rise after treatment as new cells open, I am not using it but just sharing what the Americans are saying and they have had them...
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    Hive ransacked

    That's beekeeping, we all have our good years and bad years, I lost half my stocks last summer and winter, spent this year getting back to where I was two winters ago, sacrificed honey crop unless the heather flows!!!!!!!
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    Probably a Very Silly Question

    In an ideal world according to the instructions you treat first then feed, but we are dealing with bees and nature, also where you live. Around here if I did not start feeding during treatment I would have dead hives with no mites as there is nothing for them at the moment so I agree with the...
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    MAQs after 24 hours

    There has been a long thread on beel about this, the other problem that the americans are finding and questioning is whether it kills mites in sealed brood. They are finding on going mite loads long after treatment, it must obviously be taken into account the daytime temps vary across the USA...
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    Api melter

    Totally agree Chris, I wonder how much honey from cappings has been lost in the past, the api-melter is an invaluable tool especially in an OSR area as there are always some that set before you can get to them, hopefully ideas for cleaning will be forthcoming, short of moving outside and steam...
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    Product Design Project.

    I have 2, they replace the floor and have a removable drawer that has a fine mesh in it to keep the pollen from going mouldy, I will try and take some pics
  9. B

    Honey rather than sugar

    Just a thought RAB touched on it, what plan do you have for varroa treatment as all but the MAQ strips say that the honey must be removed before treatment, next year you could have contaminated honey and if they get no varroa treatment you may have no bees anyway, just a thought
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    Marburg box

    They are excellent for making up mating nucs that are guaranteed drone free and full of young bees, I will dig the pics I have of Mine and post soon
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    British black bees in Wiltshire

    Chris was on South Today earlier this week talking about the project and he said black bee genetics would be bought in to the gene pool as the years progress. Having worked with the spitefull things in my early days with bees, I am sticking to my Buckfast british bee, after all it was bred for...
  12. B

    Where can i get acetic acid 80% ?

    Hachi pm sent
  13. B

    Bulk sugar price?

    PM sent kev
  14. B

    Clearing supers, bees roaring, what should I do

    Likewise veg as they just fly back in the entrance and done in a few minutes per box, never ceases to amaze me how well some hang on though.
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    Bumblebee intruder!

    had to do a cut out in a shed wall cavity three weeks ago for the landowner of one of my sites. I wish I had taken some pics now as the honeybees were trafficing through the bumblebee nest on route for their own, the two nests were about six inches apart in the wall cavity and were living in...
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    Criteria to accept new memebers

    Our local association has two forms of membership "Associate" for those that do not have bees and "full" for those that do, and like most, the course is oversubscribed every year and we charge £40.00 per head for a course that lasts six weeks and is held every Sunday. We charge because we supply...
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    How is the Rape looking

    Still a good flow on around here but tonights thunderstorm did not bring forth enough rain to keep it all going
  18. B

    RED light

    they see red as black
  19. B

    How is the Rape looking

    Trouble is with all this late rape around there is going to be little clear honey certainly around here we have rape just going over and in the field next door field beans in full flower and lots of it.
  20. B

    How do your bees behave in hot weather?

    And yes they went into a full box the following day to give them space