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  1. D

    Dark honey

    Yes it was first extraction alot of clover and field thistle in area not much spring honey at that apiary
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    Dark honey

    August extraction
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    Dark honey

    The bucket deceived me 🤣 Not so dark looking now
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    Dark honey

    What you reckon Very dark and heavy honey Id love to be able to identify some honey i do harvest
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    Mini Plus Frames

    I make most my own kit , just couldn't imagine myself making frames ordered 1000 in the sales
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    Mini Plus Frames

    You will get them on German sites
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    Mini Plus Frames

    Only im accross the sea id buy a good bunch
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    Buying a table saw

    Dewalt DWE7492
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    Spring swarm avoidance plans

    If only it worked
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    🤣 sounds great . I just hate the stuff nothing but a nuisance
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    The farmers seem to have gone mad planting osr this year its everywhere ill be moving a couple of apiaries.. What do use do with your osr honey ? The irish are not too keen on soft set . I must have around 500 pounds of it sitting in buckets . Do any of you mix it in with runny honey at 5 to 1...
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    Making a huge increase in numbers?

    It is probably possible with bought in queens but 60 be more realistic. The person who has 20 hives might be better off splitting into 40 or 50 and see how they get on managing 50 before thinking about jumping into 100
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    2nd Feb Webinar - Murray McGregor

    Where is it available to watch
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    2nd Feb Webinar - Murray McGregor

    I couldn't log on
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    Frames without foundation

    I mark them and dont take them out until a round of brood has hatched from them , sometimes i get full combs of drone comb which didn't bother me as i was doing quite a bit of queen rearing last year
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    Frames without foundation

    Really I must say had no issues
  17. D

    Frames without foundation

    I just turn the wedge bar on its edge of brood frames no wax no reinforcement with wires sticks ect and the bees draw it out perfectly, did this with around 150 frames last year had no issues
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    I know Thornes sale is on at the moment. When is maisimore winter sales are they having one
  19. D

    Extraction Shed

    Im just after clearing an area today to start my Honey shed , digger coming in the morning to start foundations 20x15 The insulation will be the biggest bill