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  1. D

    Heads up re Amm from Greece

    I accept that you are in Ireland where things may be different, but this is one of the myths of AMM that is still actively propagated in the UK, even by prominent BIBBA members. 14 BS broodcombs of brood is double brood in my book. Beowulf Cooper effectively set the breed standard by his...
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    Bulk sugar mixing help

    Electric radial extractor works well. Add the warm/hot water first, then slowly pour the sugar in whilst the cage is turning. Do not dump the sugar in. No paddles required. Even has a tap at the bottom to make it easy to get the syrup out... ;) +1 here for Belgosuc (aka "not Ambrosia"), though...
  3. D

    Anyone know what this is?

    I spotted one too, and took a photo with something to give scale...
  4. D

    How to keep drones out of a hive

    Exactly. As long as you do not have a drone layer then accept the drones as part of normal colony behaviour. To restrict the entrance with a queen excluder risks blockage due to dead drones, as well as pollen load stripping.
  5. D

    BIBBA question?

    The flaw of morphometry is not in the technique but in its usage. Used to classify bees that are bred using other selection metrics, e.g. docility, disease resistance, etc., then it's OK. Used as a selection metric for breeding, it becomes useless as a classification tool. You end up with the...
  6. D

    Are most UK hives Fumigated?

    The simple answer is that they've pinched Thornes' picture! Surely that's more logical than a whole international conspiracy based on one photo...? :hairpull: I've been to Rand several times and it is very impressive. One look at the woodworking shops there would reassure anyone that they make...
  7. D

    More BBKA in-fighting

    Meaning what...? :)
  8. D

    More BBKA in-fighting

    I don't see how you get that reading of events from the letters circulated. The BBKA support for IMYB was voted for by associations at the 2016 ADM; they would provide £1/member provided £30k of "industry sponsorship" had first been raised. Read the July 5th Exec letter, and it is clear that...
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    International Meeting of Young Beekeepers - IMYB

    OK, so there's a lot of feeling that getting young people into beekeeping is a good thing. Can't argue with that, support it myself. However the "anything that gets young people interested is a good thing" argument takes no account of the realities of limited time and/or funds. Put another way...
  10. D

    International Meeting of Young Beekeepers - IMYB

    Easy, tiger :calmdown: Have you read the letters that went out, or just heard that there's an argument ongoing? Firstly, it was actually the Associations that voted for the BBKA to take on IMYB, at the ADM in January 2016... with the proviso that £30,000 had to be raised as "industry...
  11. D

    International Meeting of Young Beekeepers - IMYB

    In a different thread about the BBKA, the following question was asked: IMHO it's a jolly, and as far as drawing youngsters into beekeeping it appears to be a waste of vast sums of money. Have a look for yourself. This year's event cost circa £55,500. 20 teams of 3 youngsters attended for a 3...
  12. D

    Height of eke for fondant on top of frames?

    Clear takeaway tubs for me where fondant is needed. A pair of tubs over the feed hole equates to 3lb feed. Placing them like this means I can glance under the roof to see how much has been consumed, without breaking propolis seals or losing lots of heat from the hive. Fondant doesn't dry out...
  13. D

    VMD Staff inspection

    I had a positive experience 3 seasons ago - the inspector phoned beforehand to say he had to do a random residue sample, did I mind - and we have a good working relationship anyway, I always tell him to go and inspect any apiary he wants or needs to... or did before DASH. Regarding the...
  14. D

    More individual BKA joining the BBKA direct - good or bad?

    From a voting point of view, there is no 'two tier' problem with delegates representing large counties/federations or small local associations. The constitution allows for standard voting as one vote per delegate, but upon request of the delegates a vote can be rerun as a membership vote - one...
  15. D

    Wasp queens hibernating under roofs

    Some further observations. I have also been collecting wasp queens in the house as they awake and bounce around the windows. Two in a jar with a loose lid survived 4 & 6 weeks at the back of the fridge. Added a third yesterday, was interesting to note that when they warm and wake they do not...
  16. D

    This wasn't there in October

    Actually, that cavity between crownboard and roof is a useful buffer for the colony that does get congested at any time of the year. Think of it as a pressure relief valve, and you might be less inclined to block it off :)
  17. D

    Wasp queens hibernating under roofs

    Haven't seen many (any?) of these under hive roofs, but I do spend much of the year moonlighting as an earwig farmer apparently...
  18. D

    Snelgrove's 'Swarming - it's control and prevention'

    OK, thanks, looks like I will have to spend another £10 with Jeremy then ;)
  19. D

    Snelgrove's 'Swarming - it's control and prevention'

    I have several copies to hand but none newer than a 9th edition of 1946. I see NBB have a 16th edition, with ten additional pages (110 vs. 100). The 9th edition recounts Method 1, a variation on Method 1, Method 2, and a variation on Method 2, all in chapter 1, then other swarm control methods...
  20. D

    Wasp queens hibernating under roofs

    Each to their own! Happy to post them onwards as HM suggests, have some rats too if they are of interest. The point is I don't remember seeing this many in previous winters, suggesting it was a good autumn for wasps and hence they may well be numerous next year. Also, these have appeared since...