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  1. D


    "A swarm of bees in June is worth a silver spoon"
  2. D

    Colony suddenly become aggresive

    I wouldn't leave them too long! A frame of eggs now would show they are queenless if they start to make an emergency queen cell. You can then decide whether to let them raise one this way or buy in a queen. If you leave them queenless you may find you get laying workers, at which point there...
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    Got me a swarm!

    I'd still feed, foundation drawing is very energy intensive.
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    Got me a swarm!

    I'd move it pronto while they are still in swarm mode and haven't orientated to new site. Can't move it 30ft after that. I'd fill with foundation now before they start producing wild comb, I'd feed after 3 days and inspect in a week. I may not be right, but it's what I'd do
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    Bait hive Location

    Don't think it matters too much for a bait hive. In my experience the most important thing for hives to get going well is to get the early sun, although an entrance facing SE is ideal I think the early sun on the hive in any orientation is more important. If you have some clean frames from...
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    Queenless Nuc ,, chances of survival ?

    Why weaken a strong colony? If I were you I would unite the nuc with one of your strong colonies. You can do a split later when they produce queen cells.
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    can anyone tell me what this picture is

    Try putting the picture as an attachment
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    Plastic extractor?

    What did you find about it that made it difficult to clean? Have used one for several years without any problem, and I am not known as the world's greatest cleaner!
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    Introducing a new queen help

    If the old drone laying queen is still in there she may well kill your newly introduced queen and will be an expensive risk to take. You need to be sure they are queenless; are there any eggs or young brood?
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    Swarm of Killer Hornets make a Beeline for Britain

    3 inch long is some hornet! And by their calculation we already have 1 1/2 inch long ones!
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    'Perfect' hive/apiary location - lessons/dreams

    I'd look for the spot that got the early morning sun first. Hives that get this always seem to get going best in my experience.
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    What does an un mated queen look like

    No. If there is some worker brood she must have mated. She may be poorly mated or sometimes a new queen takes a while to work out the knack of laying fertilized eggs. If it were me I'd be inclined to leave them for a bit and see what happens. She may well up her laying in time, or if the...
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    Info on cut comb

    It's not actually man made wax, it's man shaped and makes very little difference to the taste if any in my opinion. What I would do is buy unwired foundation and alternate frames of this with your drawn frames in ten slot castellations. I find it gets drawn quicker than a whole box of...
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    Change in temperament?

    Is your queen marked? Reason I ask is that if they continue to be unpleasant then re-queening is the most likely way forward. If your queen isn't marked then go through looking for her and mark her. Then when you have a replacement queen available it will be much easier to find and remove...
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    vita feed gold

    I have used it to help build up colonies in spring that have nosema. Seemed to be effective, but whether it was the vita or they would have recovered anyway who knows, certainly won't do any harm. In answer to b) you can either dribble it, or add to syrup. should have details on the bottle or...
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    Swarming. & 14x12s

    Read the replies here again and follow some of the good advice given. You may be speaking to the wrong people or adjusting what they have said. Space may well be one factor in triggering swarms, but it is only one factor. Two 14 x 12 boxes is likely to do more harm than good.
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    Best sign that Queen is dead?

    Bet you a pound to a penny there is a healthy laying queen in there. Is she marked? If not can be very difficult to spot her, maybe weeks or even months before you find her.
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    Changing from plastic QE to metal one

    They lie flat on the frames and get totally stuck to the frames. Devil of a job to get off and you will probably upset bees doing so. Throw them in the bin and get wire framed ones. Much much better.
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    Turning crystallised honey into soft set

    I heat at about 35C. Give it a stir after 24hrs. How long? until it's all clear!
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    Mesh hole size to get bees above head height

    I have a trellis alongside the hive in my garden. I can stand and watch the entrance from a foot away through the trellis and never had a bee come near or seen one fly through the trellis.