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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. B

    cut comb blocks from super frame

    Depends on the thickness of the comb. I found that I had to use 10s frame spacing and a cutter made from an empty corned beef tin.
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    solar wax extractor - mix of wax and honey

    After washing the wax/honey block, I dry it then wrap in paper kitchen towel. This is returned to the solar. The gunge is caught by the towel. The dry dirty towel is handy as a smoker starter.
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    Legal to kill bees ??

    I am on the BBKA Swarm Collectors List. I frequently get calls from the public who have been told by the local council that bees are protected or a pest control firm saying that DEFRA will heavily fine if bees are killed. If bees are in a domestic wall cavity and an occupant is allergic to bee...
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    Post swarm collection mop up

    I like to use a cheapo cased air freshner block at the swarm landing place. It helps when you have put the box with collected swarm neaby (for evening collection). Last week, a member of the public drove home with the block hanging on his rear wiper arm after I had collected most of the swarm...
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    Frame assembly

    Nothing to do with trimming the top bar. I have found that some batches of foundation are wider than others. To avoid wax buckling and attendant problems a fine trim with a Stanley knife allows the foundation to lie flat.
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    Developers show an alarming disregard for wildlife and are negligent of our environment.

    In some planning applications a developer seems to use a " tame " consultant. A very wordy report (or sampling) can seem to show no problem for the development. The consultant gets a fee and hopes for further work.
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    Queen rearing from a defensive queen

    I would not raise a new Q from such a hive. I would make a Q right split from the hive and move to a new position. The original colony will make Q cells. When the Q cells are a few days old, destroy them and give the hive a frame of eggs from one of your other hives. Q cells on this frame would...
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    Frame Nails/ Gimp Pins - builders merchant options ?

    Rampin ..... mine is an old one. Wooden handle and brass tube.
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    Frame Nails/ Gimp Pins - builders merchant options ?

    I use a rampin..... gimp pin pusher. Less risk of finger damage. Easier to nail a wedge at an angle.
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    Fanning in February

    If you are concerned about humidity in the hive, you could try slightly tilting the hive to the entrance. Cold damp air could then flow out of the entrance.
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    Wasp Problem

    I am a little disappointed by the response to this thread. A newbee has a problem with wasps and wants suggestions. The replies have gone off in various tangents. I had a similar problem with one of my hives. I fitted a DIY robbing screen. The bees are still working happily and the wasps are...
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    mouse guard question

    If you fit a standard mouse guard you may notice a couple of problems. Some pollen is stripped off returning foragers. Housekeeping bees may have a struggle pulling bodies out through the holes. I went to my local scrapyard and got some perforated metal that the bees couldn't get through. A 2...
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    Other hobbies

    Amateur Archaeology. Digs in the Summer. Fieldwork and study in the Winter.
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    Hornet dilemma

    The wasps killed off a nuc. When their attention switched to a full strength hive, I installed a robber screen. It seems to have worked. Nice to see the bees dragging out a dead wasp.
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    Asian Hornet update

    What Bait ? I have been putting out VV traps since April. Is it now time to change to a sweet bait ?
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    Amendment Rechecking the application says it's for travellers. The submitting agent uses "gypsies" several times in the supporting documents. I think he is trying to gain sympathy by its use.
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    A planning application has been submitted for some traveller caravans to be placed next door to where I use an out apiary. Any thoughts, comments, ?
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    "Asian Hornet" seen in Cornwall

    Earlier this week I emptied a Plenty of Honey style trap. I had baited it with pieces of fish from a tin of Mackerel in brine. There were no VVs but it was almost solid with a kind of small bluebottles.
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    Bury, Lancashire

    Two experienced beekeepers with an apiary in Bury. We are looking for a beginner to join us on site. We want someone to share the work of maintaining the apiary. We are willing to act as mentors. PM your details
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    SBI Visit

    The old system of routine visits seems to have gone. Visits now seem to be on a "fire brigade" system. Some problem or need.