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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. Bob Bee

    Double Brood Inspections

    Does this forum have rules, does this forum have administration, should members be allowed to respond this way ? so many questions, so few answers.
  2. Bob Bee


    :iagree::iagree: this is pretty much my experience too.
  3. Bob Bee


    There are plenty of sensible people keeping "AMM" 'type' bees without resorting to all the nonsense about purity and outdated ideas about them being 'wiped out by IOW disease' and being 'evil' (sad isnt it ?). I'm happy to put you in touch with people, but probably best as a private message if...
  4. Bob Bee

    Artificial Swarm Problem

    If your certain that the queen is still there but you just cant find her you could do a shook swarm, which has the same effect but doesnt require you to find the queen. with sealed queen cells they have probably already swarmed but if there are new eggs you may be in time.
  5. Bob Bee

    Apidea basics

    at what point/points do I allow the bees in the Apidea to fly ?
  6. Bob Bee

    Apidea basics

    itma I've two on the go, one with bees and queen cell, but three days off emerging (best guess) one with just bees, no cell second day inside, cool dark place in a bush adjacent to the apiary. Set up as described above, bees in bottom, fondant in feeder,spayed with mist on the vent screen. In...
  7. Bob Bee

    Apidea basics

    Its my first outing with Apidea so some sensible advice would be appreciated: For succesful use in raising queens from queen cells produced by my own colonies: When using bees and Cells from the same colony how ripe should the cell be for success, or how early after a cell is sealed will it...
  8. Bob Bee

    AS into 14 x 12 from National

    I've done this, no problem. The extra drawn frame was somewhere for the queen carry on laying and they drew the 14x12 comb fine with a little encouragement from some 1-1 as there were no supers on when it happened.
  9. Bob Bee

    Invert sugar or not?

    Can we have a whole series......
  10. Bob Bee

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Did a show and tell demo on one hive for the volunteers on my National Trust site, nice quiet bees, no surprises, fascinated audience. Then after lunch had a dozen local association members over to inspect three more colonies, let someone mark 2 queens and performed an artificial swarm to the...
  11. Bob Bee

    Advice on.AS and reunite

    So most of your earlier post was nonsense, why do that ?
  12. Bob Bee

    Advice on.AS and reunite

    Is Finman the only person responding here, I;ve been to a dozen UK apiaries and never seen a 30 box tower, 7 or 8 maybe. Does this relate to UK commercial practice ?
  13. Bob Bee

    Advice on.AS and reunite

    Bears no resemblance to anything I've seen or done in the UK over either bee keeping period that I've "nursed" bees. Is this now common practice with commercials here ?.
  14. Bob Bee

    Advice on.AS and reunite

    Is that then 6 brood boxes full of brood and bees with one queen, working a crop for 4-5 weeks to fill more boxes placed on top, with honey ?.
  15. Bob Bee

    Advice on.AS and reunite

    Can someone translate this as its completely meaningless to me ?
  16. Bob Bee

    Bee Hives on Allotments

    Been doing this for a couple of years, no problems, good to have a formal letter stating you're a BKA member with liability insurance We have 3 beekeepers sharing the space and a letter agreeing to treat at the same time (varoa) and that we will remove any colonies that cause serious problems...
  17. Bob Bee

    Queen Cells Found

    Don't forget to feed the new box with old queen if just foundation/drawn comb.
  18. Bob Bee

    Half Price - Hexagonal Jars

    expired on the 29th.
  19. Bob Bee

    Half Price - Hexagonal Jars

    Mine came in boxes of 90, balance in a smaller box to make up the 500, a box of caps and a sample box. Great courier called 1 hour before delivery, got the pallet to my back door up a steep slope and was unusually cheerful about it all. Now they just need to make the 8oz and 4oz jars half price...