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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. F

    Statistical data

    Half time champions league. Just peered over the wall at the opposition out of curiosity. Not a lot occuring? Who's on line? 5 members and 25 guests. ? On here, 54 members (!!) and 27 guests. Maybe the're chelsea supporters and too upset at being one nil down - or perhaps there is another...
  2. F

    What hive to make if I don't want to harvest honey?

    Depending on how tidy you like your refuges here is another aspect of design And another...
  3. F

    What hive to make if I don't want to harvest honey?

    Admin Duplicated post and got timed out on the edit. You might want to edit it out ************************ Apache Some more pointers. I managed to save the edited message and repost it below. Much easier on a PC!! ***************** hello again The bumbles are really interesting IMHO and...
  4. F

    What hive to make if I don't want to harvest honey?

    Typo typo Try again. You will find it more informative if i spell her name correctly It is farmer. I blame the iphone!:willy_nilly: Regards FB
  5. F

    What hive to make if I don't want to harvest honey?

    Typo typo Try again. You will find it more informative if i spell her name correctly It is farmer. I blame the iphone!:willy_nilly: Regards FB
  6. F

    What hive to make if I don't want to harvest honey?

    Apache If you are still on here, try googling christine falmer (.com) she has quite a fascinating collection of info on solitary bees. Is your interest conservation? Or do you want some visual entertainment? I'll post some more on red mason bees tomorrow. Using an iphone to send this which is...
  7. F

    Did anyone go to the Lincoln Auction?

    Computer says "no" Admin Postcode needs another digit FB
  8. F

    What hive to make if I don't want to harvest honey?

    As you research further, i would reiterate that bumbles are not solitary bees. Example of the latter being the red mason bee. I once purchased a nesting kit and sited it on my allotment. The bee (s?) ignored it and laid eggs in runner bean canes stored horizontally nearby. A mate of mine...
  9. F

    New Apiary

    How did you cut the railway line?
  10. F

    Beekeeping Gloves

    If doing a lot, i cover the marigolds with latex purely for practical reasons of cleanliness. I also have a bucket of washing soda solution to clean off tools so rinse hands. As latex can be flimsey, i can easy replace these as i go. The point being it is so much easier than continually cleaning...
  11. F

    How to sell bees. Please help

    Two colonys is a tight margin to operate on (as opposed to "keep"?) If i were you, I would raise the nuc myself as insurance against colony loss. Next season, I'd sell the (surplus) colony to Fredbloggs ( for £50 including new poly box and frames and delivery) or (sensible head on now) maybe...
  12. F

    Moving bees water source?

    I suggest that you do the latter because sods law always applies? I once kept bees on an allotment. Despite me offering all manner of water feeding devices, the bees congregated on just one of 7 taps to get their water - they ignored the container underneath it and fed off the dripping tap...
  13. F

    Starting to worry about move tomorrow.

    Well just as well as i was too late to say preparation the previous day is key - if you are able. My further tips therefore to anyone contemplating such a task: Use a screen and put on the day before. If you have not got one then get one _ it is not worth the risk? I bought some reallt good...
  14. F

    Import of NZ bees into UK

    An edit of an apology Tried to edit the previous post but took so long it timed me out. Another award i would nominate me for is " perseverance whilst using an iphone via a wi-fi sky router that keeps logging one out" . You dont get that at the Baftas? To continue the apple-ogies to those...
  15. F

    Import of NZ bees into UK

    No it's only me!! Infamy! They've got it in for me ( sorry ken)
  16. F

    Import of NZ bees into UK

    Ott oooh.... we might have another contender for most humerous post award?? I once had the stupidity to gain paid employment driving a bus>. The frequent riposte from morons who wondered why I did not have change of a £20 at 5 in the morning was "you fat, four-eyed, bald, pxxxx" Awful job -...
  17. F

    Starting to worry about move tomorrow.

    Aaah but next time, only one of the above will remain a constant and no observers will know!! FB:smilielol5:
  18. F

    Starting to worry about move tomorrow.

    Stand the hive in the car so the frames face from front to back of car and not across it . This will prevent the frames slapping back and forth squashing them. Wear your suit with the hood up in the car! You might look a dick but better that than driving in a petrol station with a few thousand...
  19. F

    question for all you wood nibblers

    Pete You need magnesium sulphate for the splinter and a tennis ball for the bad back. All those woods mentioned will cost you an arm bought new? If you want pine that is carpenter grade from a wood merchant, it is known as deal in the trade or redwood. This is not to be confused with cedar...
  20. F

    Anaphylactic shock

    Who has had anny shock? To add some perspective to the topic, Can i ask who has actually experienced full anny shock? By this, i mean allergic reaction to bee stings requiring serious medical attention? Regards FB