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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. F

    Wow, Super Bee's!

    Thats torn it? He's going to charge double now????
  2. F

    Weather alert north west!

    Hello Just listened to BBC weather and sounds like NI and west coast scotland are going to cop it tomorrow with 70 mph winds. Met office have issued "amber alert". Warnings of tree damage. Might be an idea to strap them down? Regards FB
  3. F

    Help appreciated please !!

    Rae Point taken. To expand/clarify on my earlier post. I use my commute tram journey to tune into The forum. This morning whilst attempting to construct a "corporal jones - dont panic" response to this great thread (on an iphone -not the easiest task for fat fingered fred trust me) i had the...
  4. F

    Help appreciated please !!

    Do nothing . Certainly do not requeen - you have bees that are strong after 15 years with no "treatment" ? Could be the genetic holy grail! Patience and a seige mentality will be key. Think and plan before you "do" They will not appreciate the nice clean accommodation you give them. Got to...
  5. F

    Do all Bee Keeping Suppliers give rubbish service?

    "Th**ns have to got have the worst customer service i have ever come across and i wont be using them again!" Whoaa there....... Never thought they'd be a day when i stepped into bat for the T's but today is the day!! In my dealings with Th**nes the staff have been very helpful & polite with...
  6. F

    Which is the best queen cage for marking?

    Hi David I have the c of t but do not use it. Putting your hand into the box and badly spiking your finger plus leaving it in suit pocket and leaning against car promotes empathy with the bees you might be sqwering in order to trap HM. Did the obvious thing and protected the spikes with small...
  7. F

    Pretty hopping mad :(

    Oooer Kaz Thought you should know. There's a new user just signed up to the forum? Bit of a coincidence but his user name is "MisterCreosote" ? :rolleyes::rolleyes: FB
  8. F

    Found Her Maj, but how do I catch her?

    Aly My advice is to hold off clipping!! There are many experienced beeks who do not handle queens. If you damage queenie, you will be crying amd as you have only the one unit, no insurance? I would certainly mark but use the tools mentioned. When you are more proficient/confident - then learn...
  9. F

    Grumble grumble!

    What? I cant see anything that suggests the OP is not going to quit? What is the "deal" What is a hipper?
  10. F

    Grumble grumble!

    Hummmmm Sorry to hear about that - bit of a bummer. Can't believe the owner could not have given you a bit more notice? Must admit, I have always been cute (one and only time I hear Mrs B's dulcet tones) in getting a written "agreement" in these circumstances (ie where I have no formal rights...
  11. F

    Beekeeping in Murcia Spain

    post repeated - tried to delete and failed - technically challenged? Delete please Admin FB
  12. F

    Beekeeping in Murcia Spain

    Hi there There is a chap on here called Norm who lives winters in Almeria (not a million miles from you). Very nice chap and knowledgeable BEEK to boot. Problem 1 = he lives in sweden in the summer. Problem 2 = he has been quiet for a while - hope you are well Norm? He subscribes to a few...
  13. F

    New beekeeper - what to read

    Hi RR if you search the word "books" you will find that most of the replies have already been made! Now that I've killed the OP it might be prudent to add my personal preferences. I have Ted Hooper and can say I have opened it 6 times in 10 years. Difficult to read. Also Clive De Bruyns...
  14. F

    2 new apiary sites secured!

    yep - and the boys as well? You'd be in stuck without them?? eh?? ? Regards FB
  15. F

    Acarine? - Can I treat?

    Seasonal inspectors are "part-time" and work during the spring/Summer season. They report to a Regional Bee Inspector who is full time. All work for the National Bee Unit (or whatever they call themselves these days) DO NOT think you are wasting their time if you have concerns on bee health...
  16. F


    Just read the OP again. Is this a Council site ? Are you affiliated to an Allotment association? Not just your site but the area? If you are contact them and try to find a "success" story within your local area. You could look to copy aspects of their operation, learn about the pitfalls they...
  17. F


    I fully support the cautious approach. You will hear tales of success and woe but the bottom line is the circumstances that apply to you and your allotment site. Bee-keeping is supposed to be a relaxing, stress-free pastime (yes Yes I know, I know :banghead:) Having your fellow allotmenters...
  18. F

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    came back and sat and watched my bees drinking a cup of tea. Well I think that would make a good sticky? Whats the next line? Regards Fred
  19. F

    Warning - roof cover - sharp edges!!!

    A warning to all you diy hive assemblers. Today, I needed a National Roof PDQ and dibbed into my goody store. I have some roofs I bought as part of a Thxxxes complete hive sale a couple years ago. Upon offering the roof up to fit to the wood frame i ran it through my hands and bingo! very deep...
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    Tool Sharpening

    If you are interested in sharpening long planer blades and can't do a tormek, checkout youtube and search for "sharpen planer blades". One of the first should be steve maskery from british woodwork magazine. If you can stand him sucking his teeth every sentence, it is an interesting vid on...