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  1. F

    found a sad hive next door!!!!

    Be nice today? Give it a try? Ok - to yet further emphasise the point. It is not the opionions or the advice i am commenting on ( and you will note if you read the thread i have not expressed an opinion or commented on one made? It is entirely the tone, the lack of manners and general...
  2. F

    found a sad hive next door!!!!

    Right! As a clarification - and i certainly would not want to be misunderstood on this very issue. If you had read what i wrote, rather than what you thought i wrote, you would recognise that a) my comments were attributed not to the content of the argument ( up to that point, a discussion)...
  3. F

    found a sad hive next door!!!!

    I think that vince ( like the OP) was expecting politeness and common courtesy. Sadly, in the real world - and for certain contributors to this forum ?? This does not manifest itself. This does not mean "they" should cease to expect it but that the " i speaks my mind - take it or leave it"...
  4. F

    6 weeks old AS has been overrun with please!

    Hi BB Good luck in your search for the wasp nest. Dont (like me) make the assumption they are in the classic "barn roof" scenario home. I spent ages looking for the pillaging swine who decimated my double 14 x 12 hive. They were underground behind the apiary gate !! Propane torch sorted them...
  5. F

    Hive preservatives

    I see frequently the statement that cedar has "natural oils" and the implication that as a result the wood is seemingly "everlasting". These oils whilst reacting against metal fastenings do nothing to stop wood cracking, splitting etc when exposed to winters like the last one. As the owner of a...
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    queen introduction

    I might just do that - if i knew what a fluffer and TMI were?
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    queen introduction

    I find the easiest (more success /least stressful) method is to itilise the device previously referred to (wonderfully) in another thread as "the crack pipe". I treat the operation in two halves. I pick up the q first and isolate her in the pipe. She is safe and will not be damaged through...
  8. F

    Incoming swarm ... save my marriage

    Hi As they are all in the box, i would seal and move now - open & fiddle at the destination (not tonight) If you take the lid off tonight, they might mass evacuate at home? Make sure that you orientate the hive with frames running in line with car and not across. This will limit the few frames...
  9. F

    Weald Farm Orders

    Rosecottage Just google his business name - bingo Tom B . Re the link. Will have a look when i get home. I missed that, so for that brief instant Mr WPF can consider himself maligned. Mind you, it adds an extra dimension does it not? Spend a fortune on a glossy website - then include a...
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    Weald Farm Orders

    Huummmmmmh and so the plot thickens. If you read the content of rotor1947 experience and then look at the WPF website, the two could not be from the same planet? On the website presentation, it is easy to see how even established beeks could be fooled by the spiel and glossy presentation...
  11. F

    Whatever happened to those NZ bees?

    Ron Hoskins springwatch 8th june 19.30 BBC2 Just seen tonights springwatch and in the closing trail for tomorrow nights show, kate humble announced that ron hoskins would be featured!! Regards FB
  12. F

    Breaking up a large box colony

    Yippee! Well done Shame about the swarm but at least you now have them on frames. Might need to consider introducing mated queens? Just another option? Also i have missed how they managed to be in an unmanagable box in the first place ? Did you introduce them ? Regards FB
  13. F

    lawn mower repairs

    Ureeka!! Guess what i found today? Two hayters complete with cables. Got one off but the outer sleeve is a bit naff. Thinks...... If you only need the inner bit but the ends are double cranked how are you going to get the inner bit out? Gis a pm with a mobile number and i"ll bell you tonight...
  14. F

    Bees Drowning With Internal Feeder

    I use wooden frame feeders . I cut a light wood float that fits (just) inside the internal space. There is no room for a bee to fit down the gap between float and wall - so they do not drown. Those experiencing problems could look to this as well as maybe the fact frame feeders are not ideally...
  15. F

    Moving to Double Brood Box

    Another "tip" from stoneleigh is if you overwinter a strong colony on single brood, pop an empty super underneath. They do not like to cluster on the stores and this arrangement allows them to "hang low" Depends on your bee variety too i'd say. If they are quick off the mark in spring, you"ll...
  16. F

    nuc's for sale

    hi you should have a pm regards FB
  17. F

    lawn mower repairs

    Pete Q1. What make/model of mower? I can check my collection! Q2. Is is just a wire length with no fittings? Some mowers crimp or hard connect fittings either end to make the diy brigade buy original spares. You could always try the local refuse/recycle yard. Or better still the scrappies...
  18. F

    Does anyone have any experience of these trays?

    I believe a certain company markets them on the basis that they stop domestic disputes. I use one every time i borrow Mrs Bloggs car and it's never worked for me? FB
  19. F

    Weather alert north west!

    Ahhh Probably down to Gippos. What with the price of scrap? :laughing-smiley-014
  20. F

    Thor*es Seconds hive

    If you are referring to the piece that is attached to the top bar, here is a good tip. Squeeze the piece inwards rather than trying to prize it outwards. There is less stress to snap it off. It is extremely satisfying to do this whilst thinking about someone you really don't like. When it goes...