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  1. F

    Frame pins

    We need a smillee that says " i dont agree". Clearly i need to cut and paste (ie repeat) the bit that says i do it for these reasons and not for those stated by m100. Which you appear to be agreeing to? I nail the top bar the way I do because it suits me to do it that way. If you read my post...
  2. F

    Frame pins

    A matter of choice nest pas? Nailing at a diagonal, running the risk of nail tips appearing through the top bar, is something only done by people who read instructions from Th**nes and believe them to be 100% correct. No not true - I have never read thxxnes instructions. I was shown at an...
  3. F

    Advice - Feed with super on - colony weak

    Well you just keep asking away Alabamaeee because 10/20/30 years into bee keeping = lots to learn?? There are plenty out there who do not ask the "simple" questions as that situation has not occurred to them, they maybe had not thought about it being an issue (but will check next time they open...
  4. F

    Lime Trees.

    I believe that the lime benefits from a bumper nectar flow every 20 years or so. This may just be coincidental with the previous years rainfall pattern as it is with some fruit bushes?? Many years ago, my bee tutor kept hives in Bushy Park on a set of bathroom scales. One hive put on 70 lb...
  5. F

    Advertising not allowed

    Clear as mud! Well i'm glad that admin knows whats occuring?? Me - i'm off to have a recount of my braincells! FB (maybe it's just too early.........)
  6. F

    Frame pins

    Or your local assoc. might have a shop that sells the real mcCoy!
  7. F

    Frame pins

    The length quoted is ideal for any part other than the top bar insert. You need 5/8 inch maximum for that or the pins will go through and stick out the top of the bar. The alternative is to use the longer pins but don't fully insert them - the bar gets held in place with comb after a while...
  8. Test title

    Test title

    Test description
  9. F

    I hate it when someone says

    "back in the day......" "in the endzone" some waffle to do with " left field" - what is that about? Basically much of whatever Chris Evans says! As an aside - Who on earth at the BBC thought he would be a replacement for the audiences of Jonny Walker and Sir Tel ? Fred
  10. F

    I hate it when someone says

    "Time gentlemen please........" One you don't hear that much these days- they've all been "redeveloped" into social housing around here? FB
  11. F

    Red mite

    Might be an idea to scrape some off into a container amd pop in freezer. Perhaps the nat history museum or RHS will identify them . My apiary landowner gets the rhs to identify anything that lands on his fruit trees but he might be a member? You can then identify the source . After you have...
  12. F

    Found a colony in the garden

    Hello Wonderful introduction to beekeeping!! Better than mine which was to go off to hospital in an ambulance with full blown anyphalactic shock? Still- dont let that put you off! My advice would be to prepare as much as possible. Bit difficult i know but two issues you need to bone up on are...
  13. F

    Renovating old equipment

    I suppose it all depends if you have the time to spend on the repair, balancing the satisfaction of reusing a piece of decrepit kit with the choice of cutting your losses and investing in new? Assuming it is the former and that the supers are deal? Is the woodworm active? Do you have ww...
  14. F

    found a sad hive next door!!!!

    Right here we go again First up ------------------------- Ben.Pullan This has all been completely blown out of proportion... Isn't someone allowed to say that they believe that something is fundamentally wrong and unacceptable??? Yes - they are and you will find if you read the thread that...
  15. F

    wasps entering one hive Help

    Hi chycarne - just to confirm. The mesh is simply of a size that wasps cannot pass through? I am imagining a shape of mesh the size of a carboard tube the holds kitchen tin foil but the tube cut down its length. Correct? The "half tube" is inserted into the opening with the bulging bit...
  16. F

    Wasp traps - how far away?

    This wasp issue will gather pace on the forum as the "raiding" season picks up. My experience with wasp traps is mixed. I suspect that that has something to do with the variances experienced with bees and beekeeping. I think you only trap loads when the threat is real and profound. I have...
  17. F

    So what time do you call this??

    Since being a member of this forum, i have been amazed at the time of day that people access the forum. Exluding the non uk time differences, there are a lot of night workers or insomniacs out there - or daft beekeepers . You can go on at any time and see others logged in and posting, So whats...
  18. F

    Swarm Collection needed in London ASAP

    Great ! Good post and informative story!! And a happy ending! Admin are you going to pull the contact details as you indicated? Regards FB
  19. F

    found a sad hive next door!!!!

    Epilog ( for those who remember the FBI tv series) In my intense desire to edit to the point of perfection all the poor grammatical errors and spelling mistakes, ( had to google "heinous"!) I managed to mistakenly post twice near - identical messages. For Those for whom the cap fits, you...
  20. F

    found a sad hive next door!!!!

    Be nice today? Give it a try? Ok - to yet further emphasise the point. It is not the opinions or the advice i am commenting on ( and you will note if you read the thread i have not expressed an opinion on the OP or commented on one made? It is entirely the tone, the lack of manners and...