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  1. F

    Lots of brood stores to way of feeding them back to the bees?

    If they're capped frames why would the honey have deteriorated to trigger nosema?
  2. F

    Selling up!

    They may find it if you attract a swarm but not guaranteed. I started with a national nuc and once settled in with handling have then tinkered about. My advice is to start and get to grips with conventional approaches and see where it takes you.
  3. F

    Lots of brood stores to way of feeding them back to the bees?

    Or keep them and integrate in the autumn for overwintering
  4. F

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Removed a super of OSR honey on each of main hives now rape is going over. Will be some more to do next week. But more importantly used latex gloves rather than my old leather ones because leather left at home and will not be going back! Can feel so much better and bees nice and calm.
  5. F

    OSR honey fermenting after creaming

    Hi thanks for the response. I think the kids were on tight - too many for it to be that I think. Another theory is the mixing and air going in - which obviously has moisture in
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    OSR honey fermenting after creaming

    Hi folks, after some advice please. I've always creamed my OSR rape honey by liquefying hard set in buckets, mixing with honey paddle on a drill and then bottling. Always worked. However, two batches of last years that were 18% moisture that i did in February time have started to ferment in jar...
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    OSR honey fermenting after creaming

  8. F

    What is your Honey yield on Rape

    Not taken any off yet but most have a very heavy super and another week to 10 days to go so not too bad. I fear quite a bit has gone in to the brood box because they were a bit slower getting going.
  9. F

    Swarms ????

    In full swarming flow in North Bucks - started last week at the tail end of that warmer spell. Plenty of laying space because I go excluderless - think mine are just quite swarmy
  10. F

    Found bee nest nearby in the ground

    Well said Snelgrove. Etton - if you keep strong colonies in secure boxes they should be well protected from other fauna. Beekeepers killing other types of bees is not a road to go down. Killing wasps is only supported by most members of the public because they don't understand the role they...
  11. F

    Alternative beekeeping video - Ben & Holly's little kingdom

    For any people with young children or grandchildren you may appreciate this light entertainment from Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom from CBeebies. An alterñative way of collecting your honey. Entertainment for all ages!
  12. F

    Queens off lay?

    You've got a 50:50 chance I'm afraid. Queen usually found on frames with eggs so if those frames are in with with QCs your chance of still losing a swarm does increase.
  13. F

    Snelgrove board swarm control.

    Normally works for me but not done any this season yet. Has the q- hive drawn emergency cells? You could re-introduce her to that colony if you knock those cells down as per the procedure.
  14. F

    First inspection

    Yes quite a sight seeing queens balled.
  15. F

    Swarming already!

    They certainly are swarming - was pleased as punch to discover a swarm in one of my bait hives only to discover it was one of mine! At least I caught it and didn't lose it. Key thing for you is to hope that you have not knocked down all of the queen cells. How thorough were you going through...
  16. F

    My wally went AWOL

    The only problem is that she will somewhere be producing drones to mate with any new queens you raise (sorry don't mean to depress you!)
  17. F

    2frame nuc swarming?

    So how does he keep it a two frame nuc? He must be removing frames all the time?
  18. F

    Poor Start

    You should not have received a nuc with queen cells in - I would go back to the supplier. Why it always pays to inspect your nuc before you accept it. Have you been in to the nuc since the swarm to see if there are queen cells?
  19. F

    OSR Spraying

    If he sprays for pollen beetle might be worth shutting them in; or ask farmer if possible he could spray early in the day before they are flying - but as PH says may be out of his control.
  20. F

    Rape Nectar Mixed With Other Nectar

    I got caught with some granulated OSR łast year, put on over winter and the super was as clean as anything - don't throw it away far too valuable (plus you will waste your wax)