New Bee
Really stupid question
I've been talking to a local keeper about queen raising, requeening and splitting hives for increase and swarm control.
Actually a really good chat. I learned a lot about bee keeping in general but one things got me stumped. This guy seemed to genuinely believe that a 2 frame nuc wont swarm or abscond even if you keep them in it all year... Now I'm not convinced that a 2 frame nuc would have the stores to over winter? More the bee mass to keep warm?
But that aside, id rather combine a nuc into a main hive for winter anyway. My main question is about swarming. Surely they would swarm when they filled all the space? Or maybe just abscond if there arnt enough bees to make a reasonable swarm? Anyone know something I've overlooked about this?
I've been talking to a local keeper about queen raising, requeening and splitting hives for increase and swarm control.
Actually a really good chat. I learned a lot about bee keeping in general but one things got me stumped. This guy seemed to genuinely believe that a 2 frame nuc wont swarm or abscond even if you keep them in it all year... Now I'm not convinced that a 2 frame nuc would have the stores to over winter? More the bee mass to keep warm?
But that aside, id rather combine a nuc into a main hive for winter anyway. My main question is about swarming. Surely they would swarm when they filled all the space? Or maybe just abscond if there arnt enough bees to make a reasonable swarm? Anyone know something I've overlooked about this?