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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. F

    Bee keeping in Murcia

    Thinking of doing this in almeria. There are beekeepers but last season many bees lost to disease. There is a Nordic guy who does his bees in Sweden in summer and Spanish ones over the winter. Season starts around end of October until March, in April local honey appears in shops. Where I am it...
  2. F

    Add a super or not?

    It's a bit like when you get your first colony, euophoria! The you find that you need a second hive NOW. Was up 'til 3 am yesterday waxing frames for a newbee friend who was in a panic as bees had drawn out filled and capped a super in a week. Has found Q cells. Hope to save situation. If in...
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    Double Brood versus Brood and Half

    You have got the wrong family! I retired nearly 3 years ago and get loads of jobs given to me as 'you have nothing to do now'. Bees are a good answer to this especially when you give a jar of honey and say it took several hours of your time and considerable expense to produce. Family never offer...
  4. F

    Bee sizes and brood foundation...

    Before hatching the larvae spins a cocoon inside the cell. Over the years, as cells are used many times the internal volume gets smaller, so smaller bees are produced. When a swarm leaves a feral colony it 'starts again' with new comb of a normal cell size, thus larger bees. This means that in...
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    How Much is Your Honey?

    Took a small surplus in April. Gave a jar to a fellow allotmenteer/ returning beekeeper. Within days was besieged by other allotment holders wanting to buy honey. I tell them it's £4.00 a pound and get the reply ' is that enough '? One Polish guy took three days to pay me and asked for another...
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    poly hives

    Anyone looked at the APIMAYE site. Hi-tech hives in polystyrene with excellent sales pitch. only drawback is that it will cost you around £400.00 for a hive with 3 supers. Architecturally they are superb but will bees apprciate this? The company producing them admits that they they are are...
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    Waggle dance - really?

    When I was young you wrote 'lol' on the envelope of a letter to a girlfriend, meant 'lots of love ' also 'swalk' sealed with a loving kiss. What has happened to Romance?
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    plastic frame waxing

    Frames touching each other, one box almost full of honey, cant find Q as she hides among wild comb. Lots of sealed brood. I am hoping she will move into box where they are drawing out good comb, then put excluder under it , leave for a couple of weeks for brood to emerge,then figure out a way to...
  9. F

    plastic frame waxing

    Took advice from forum only coated tips of cells with wax, now have two langstroth shallow boxes full of wid comb,HELP
  10. F

    plastic frame waxing

    tried just coating tips of hexagons with wax, resut is a box full of wild comb. Added another box with heavily waxed plastic foundation which bees are starting to draw out. Hope Queen will move into this, put excluder on and then sort out mess beneath.
  11. F

    Home Made Solar Wax Extractor

    Did a lot of research on Solar ovens for use in third world refugee camps. Google solar ovens and you will find much info on the topic that can be applied to a wax extractor. You can bake bread in a solar oven so more than enough heat to melt wax quickly.
  12. F

    What Extractor?

    Got 9 frame S/S radial from Beechwood Bees for 380.00 quid delivered. Good gearing and a freewheel so when you stop turning the handle stays still. Delighted with it. Seen same one elsewhere for 495.00.
  13. F

    Bees gathering on outside of OMF?

    What was situation when everyone had solid floors, admittedly in pre varroa days, but regular cleaning of floor was neccesary, and not a pleasant job.
  14. F

    Over run with earwigs

    This seems to be a good year for earwigs. While crow shooting last week hundreds dropped out of a gatepost when I undid the bolt from gate to field. Have noticed many on allotment, and several above crown boards of hives. earwigs are vegetarian and live on numerous plant species, reason they...
  15. F

    It's been a funny year this...

    Took 20lbs off in April, colony now on double brood, two nearly sealed supers, and brood box on top as no waxed super frames ready. So many bees that I need help with inspections. One shook swarm on allotment early April has morphed into a split, which rapidly swarmed, was hived and hopefully...
  16. F

    Warm way to cold way

    Having been a single Dad for many years and applauded for it, with comments like 'I think you are amazing' I know what the problems are! Single Mums have a much more difficult time. Be quietly assertive, if they don't listen to you the first, second or third time then carry on repeating the...
  17. F

    Queen excluder.

    We all seem to be forgetting the importance of BEE SPACE. Any framed excluder will increase distance above and below frames encouraging use of propolis and brace comb, no wonder removing excluder is a problem. Have used may types of Q excluder and come back to the slotted zinc type. It can be...
  18. F

    dog stung to death

    BUT, would a swarm do this, again who knows the truth of the situation, perhaps the dog had a mole on his back like the one the hooker claimed Jeffrey Archer had. This is TABLOID reporting where do we get the truth?
  19. F

    dog stung to death

    Tabloid story what is the truth? Why let the truth get in the way of a good story. good news is not reported. Best tactic is to ignore such reports and if questioned later to give informed opinion. Aliens have not abducted me even though tabloids say they have.
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    Foundation less frames

    Didn't know drones could feed themselves