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  1. D

    Internet Sign Up.

    most people have phones that can do new fangled t'internet these days.
  2. D

    Eggs in QC's already

    This is about the time of the season that we start getting reports of swarms beyond the tamar on here. so not too long before the first ones due in the SE.
  3. D

    other beekeepers dead outs

    the problem is how many trainers will be advising the sort of actions that have caused these dead outs? remember it's the BBKA who set the basic - complimentary matchsticks with your application.
  4. D

    other beekeepers dead outs

    "what is a gravel tray roof" presume plastic greenhouse type tray - used to hold gravel to stand pots on.
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    other beekeepers dead outs

    MM - did you take pictures? would make a great local association talk.
  6. D

    three miles or one and half miles

    Interestingly Continental (Italian at least) beekeepers use 3km as their rule of thumb!!! yet another reason to vote UKIP in May - to stop our British bees from getting confused.
  7. D

    Still got stores.

    just don't put supers on too early. only add when a) you have enough seams of bees/brood and b) when there is a flow. unnecessary waste of energy otherwise. wish we had PH here still to shout about it.
  8. D

    Any Idea's , what went wrong with this one ???????

    "they also need pollen for spring brood" which they get from early spring blooms - an indication to them that conditions are right for brooding!!!!!
  9. D

    National to Langstroth?

    two options - MB converters (or just some pine battens cut to size for side and top bar and a couple of cable ties) or a simple eke to allow the frames to run across the hive as per below:
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    "workers were ripping open capped drone brood, is this normal," they just know they don't need drones yet. but still waste of resources.
  11. D

    Any Idea's , what went wrong with this one ???????

    "They had a run on Mustard in early Oct , which I thought meant they had plenty of pollen.." it's nectar they need for winter stores!!!! did you feed in the autumn?
  12. D

    Lost one hive

    not eggs - looks like sugar granules/debris in the cells.
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    same applies all year round - at least in winter they expect to be confined to home and have stores but little or no brood to feed.
  14. D

    Hive Theft - M***

    2 beeks, 1 bucket ****
  15. D

    The Taxman

    "It doesn't matter where you are selling, trading is trading and therefore a business" that's not what the examples given on HMRC website suggest. trading = buying stock and selling for a profit. selling off odds and ends or direct by-products of a hobby do not count.
  16. D

    Feeding Candy

    "all pass in laugh and "beekeeper" stories." as opposed to arguments about weights and %s like in the UK.
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    LASI annual report

    The trickling was of course researched and promoted on continental mainland europe where they have proper winters and hence much more likely to have extended broodless periods (DOI: my hives have been under 1m of snow of last 3 weeks). plus the dosing recommended was designed for larger hives...
  18. D

    Views please

    easier to make crown boards.
  19. D

    Could We Survive a Mega-Tsunami?

    we live at 600m. the tsunami isn't an issue. 1-2m deep snow is more of a problem.
  20. D

    oh dear

    "Bet she keeps cats aswell....... Nothing wrong with a couple of cats about the place. Doesn't mean I'm mad, bad or don't look after my bees. " nor 35!!!!!