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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. S

    Extended entrances

    Wasps don't like tunnels. I put one on my hives if they become a nuisance
  2. S

    Wind up bees

    Q. Whats the difference between a super market trolly and a woman? A. A trolly has a mind of its own. :sifone: I'm just going.:)
  3. S

    Artificial Swarm or Snelgrove Board?

    The same can be done with an AS. Put an OMF on top of the crown board, cover any vent with mesh, and put the roof on the new BB with the QC's.
  4. S

    Finman What's Next please

    Bring the stores on the outside of the hive, closer to the centre. They will use the stores, and the cells will be ready for HM. I think that's what Finman means.
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    Wrecked hive full of Bees What next !

    :iagree: An historical day in the lives of beekeepers.:)
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    WBC and snelgrove Board

    Not really
  7. S

    WBC and snelgrove Board

    I'd like to know that. Are the lifts modified? I guess they, at least one is.
  8. S

    catching a swarm

    Scientific papers are written by open minded people who tried to find answers, often by investigating ideas, dismissed by sceptics
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    catching a swarm

    Oh Ye of little faith.
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    Cutting floor mesh to fit

    Did two today, tin snips worked for me.
  11. S

    Broodless colony advice wanted

    If you have a lot of flying bees, you might try a frame of eggs and larvae, if there is no queen they might make one, if there is a queen it might prompt her to start laying. Others will have different thoughts.
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    First swarm call of 2012

    Snap. Mate just had a call while drinking his coffee to collect a swarm. 100 miles or so North of you.
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Not conclusive, but a guide
  14. S

    added suppers today

    Only reason I heard was so they could store in comb, ready for next Winter. But as always, someone will have another answer.;)
  15. S

    Neighbour problem

    If you keep bees in a garden/allotment, anyone who gets stung will assume it was one of your bees. It will assumed to be one of your bees, even if it was a Bumble, wasp or even nettles.
  16. S

    Neighbour problem

    If you complain that a neighbours cat is crapping in your garden theres nothing that can be done. I beg to differ. ;)
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Have a word with our other member who can't get his to stay alight. :)
  18. S

    No Bees...

    Can't see any pics.
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    New allotment rules

    Going to arrange a meeting with the person from the council who is drawing up the new agreement so I can suggest some modifications. Apparently she is up for constructive comment because all she knows about bees is that they sting and make honey. Good luck with that Steve. It's a shame that...
  20. S

    Neighbour problem

    That's just about it in the proverbial nutshell.