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  1. S

    Branding iron heat source

    Be better buying an electric hot wire pen, not sure what they are actually called, but it has a hot wire and you can write whatever you want with it.
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    Should I be putting on some sort of feed ?

    :iagree: Isn't part of the weekly inspection to determine if they have enough stores to last until the next?
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    I think that many here are over reacting a tad. If you are in a field and somebody is laying down, gasping for breath, and there are a few beehives about, I think it's a fair assumption they might be in some sort of bee related shock, even if its a wrong assumption, is an epi pen going to make...
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    It's Health and Safety gone mad.
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    In the middle of a field, no 'phone, just an epi-pen and a gasping wo/man. Yeah, it's a no brainer.
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    Bit of a chestnut this one. My m8 has an epi-pen, and if he needed a ***, or somebody who I thought needed it, then I'd *** them. There is the "Good Samaritan" clause if you are worried about jabbing.
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    The flow is on.....Finally!!

    Just looked through mine, one hive has had a super on for a few weeks, and up until last Monday the bees had ignored it, today it's almost full of capped honey. :)
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    2 queens 2 swarms 1 hive?

    Put a Horseley board between them, and see which is the best, or make two colonies when they get working.
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    Free bees Pe34

    I have found swarm collecting is a very enjoyable thing to do and forgive the pun it's a real BUZZ. Agreed, Chatting with people who have them in their trees, hedges etc, explaining what you're doing, and hoping the swarm read the same books. :)
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    Free bees Pe34

    Ditto South Staffs.
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    Can't find Queen

    Don't quite see the point of taking down all the QC's and letting them, hopefully make new ones. Have I missed something?
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    Enthuthiastic wanabee needs bee home

    No hair, just a redhead?
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    beared on front of nuc

    Lots of bees and hot weather. More space and ventilation I reckon.
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    patch of drone brood in super

    Small queen, dlw, queen got in super when you inspected.
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    Swarm just grab and go.

    If they went in that easy, you might be lucky and have the queen. I'd use talcum powder to dust them, if I was dusting.
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    Humane Termination of Colony - How?

    Are they all drones?
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    Storing wet supers. a tale of caution

    I fix varroa mesh on the inside of the roof, bees and wasps can get through the cones. As you have found out.
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    Newbee's first wasp attack

    Take a piece of mesh, about 4" long, 4" wide. Bend it around a pencil or similar so it's "U" shaped. Then, bend it back, each side of the "U" bend so that it has a flat side on either side of the tunnel, close one end. The two flats are pinned over the hive entrance so that the bees can see...
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    Newbee's first wasp attack

    ps I make it from varroa mesh.