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  1. L

    To have landing boards or not?

    I have no hives or bees (untill next year when the research is over) but 2 things stand out 1. Bees may not need alighting/landing boards, but we dont need cars to get around it is just better with them? 2. I have to agree where better for a bee to stand and fan from?
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    Conducting a pole?

    Having read several of the forums threads I still havent decided what hive to go for tbh,nat,lang,poly lang,wbc,etc etc. So I wondered if people would just respond with their choice for a begginer no explanation required unless you want to no arguments needed just one hive name per post would be...
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    National plans req

    :drool5:Baby, I am feeling that site, got to get me a sit on and ride.
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    Double hive stand - What do ya think?

    I think that's a really nice piece of work.
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    National plans req

    Thank you to all who posted and pm'd very kind Only question now is do you have plans for those bees as well Bee Breeder :smilielol5:
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    National plans req

    Having seen lots of plans online and the scottish beekeepers site I am still looking for plans for a national hive and associated parts, does any one know of a link please? The scottish one is ok and will do at a push. I want to bash some wood:smash:
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    Rose OSB Hive

    Just wanted to drop a post in here for the sake of discussion not argument please check out the link for Tims hive and read it make your own choice, if the frames are different and "special" so be it they may prove more costly in the long run do some maths on it, but then what Tim promotes seems...
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    Spare Bees

    So natural life span reduces colony size, as well as the slowing down of laying by the queen, also ravages of winter. Thanks that answers a few questions. Thanks to everyone who has responded again really helpful stuff giving me a lot to think about.:cheers2:
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    Spare Bees

    Thanks Baggyone I see you have 1 colony so do you also nuc for winter?
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    Spare Bees

    Productivity and Reproductivity are they linked vigorous honey makers vigorous bee makers?
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    Spare Bees

    Is it practical to keep just a couple of hives then or should I look to keep more say 4 or 5 as a practical minimum? Yes I can see value in a spare set of equipment for each colony.
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    Spare Bees

    Oliver90owner, seems that you gave me lots of options to consider, the man at the meeting did not give any other options he did not answer a simple question he just embarrased me, as other people in the room later spoke about other choices or processess to help, I will not go on about this any...
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    Spare Bees

    Thanks Muswell seems I still have a lot to learn, but that makes sense perhaps I am worrying to soon as I dont have bees yet, but next year I think will be the year and I would like to be ready for the more common problems and this seems to be one.
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    Spare Bees

    Yes the answer was arrogant the way it was said was all you would need to work that out, perhaps though it was unfair of me to even start the thread with this statement sorry about that it is usualy me who asks for none dispariging statements. I see your answer makes sense, my hives will not be...
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    Spare Bees

    Maybe no I DONT UNDERSTAND if an artificial swarm is created does that stop the production of new bees then?:confused:
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    Spare Bees

    Thanks yes it does, but how big will a colony become before it is too big, and will winter reduce that colony or kill off some bees?
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    Spare Bees

    Having asked this question at a local meeting and not getting a decent answer I pose it to the forum. If next year I have 2 hives and one year later they try to swarm which it would seem is likely how do I deal with the extra bees if I only want 2 hives? When I asked this question of a...
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    Oh no another can of worms

    Thank you to everyone who has posted i have alot to consider and will look seriously before my final choice I will refrain from saying which way my tendencies lean for now, if anyone wishes to keep posting I will be back tommorow to look but please keep it based around non contentious thoughts...
  19. L

    Oh no another can of worms

    Brosville how about swarm control? If the hive is long enough is that the same as adding height? from what I've read and I say again it is only read no experience bees swarm if they dont have room or if the queen is a problem so what have you experienced with this issue?
  20. L

    Oh no another can of worms

    Thanks yes a national from ply looks cheap enough, I have downloaded lots of plans and drawings to study.