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  1. F

    Virgin Queen Bee?

    I know what you mean, the larva had probably partially developed, as I said this is potentially a emergency virgin queen, so may have been fed royal jelly later in it's development
  2. F

    Virgin Queen Bee?

    This bee was found with it's abdomen in the cell. Although not as obvious as other queens I have found, but could this be a virgin emergency queen cell queen? I am trying to unite two colonies so knowing I've got her will be a weight off my mind. The abodnen is not as elongated or tapered as I'm...
  3. F

    Emergency queen cell disaster..

    I will try that thanks. Before I had a similar way, but I used an eke to house the insulation, but perhaps it didn't fill the space totally that lead to the problem. So I will out the insulation straight onto the crown board this year.
  4. F

    Emergency queen cell disaster..

    Had condensation build up in previous years and mould, I understand that bees usually survive the cold, but not wet and cold.
  5. F

    Emergency queen cell disaster..

    To allow foraging bees quick access in the summer to stores, and then forms part of ventilation in the winter.
  6. F

    Emergency queen cell disaster..

    Thanks for the advice, I will try that. It may have been the swarm queen mated then re-entered but I definitely put it in the brood box with queen excluder on top and found her trapped in the super. So either she squeezed through whilst still growing or she re-entered in the super hole after...
  7. F

    Emergency queen cell disaster..

    Yeah at least 1 un-mated queen running about, assuming she dispatched the others there were 7 hatched/dispatched cells in total.
  8. F

    Emergency queen cell disaster..

    They queen cells all empty, so either hatched or dispatched by the first emerged queen. I'm worried if I unite them without finding the emerged queens/remaining queen and dispatching her my good mail order queen may get killed by her, then I'd really be knee deep.
  9. F

    Emergency queen cell disaster..

    Hello there I am in need of some sound advice. I have had a right ball ache of a year with beekeeping (this is my 2nd year). My colony split in two with a swarm and a second cast swarm which I recovered. I was left with 2 colonies, the original with new cast queen and a swarm with an original...
  10. F

    Sugar Spray vs Smoke

    Think I will just use water along with Smoke, thank you all for your advice!
  11. F

    Sugar Spray vs Smoke

    Has anyone had any success using sugar spray over smoke?
  12. F

    New queen gone off lay

    Thank you all so much for your advice, now I just have to wait and see if it helps
  13. F

    New queen gone off lay

    I hope you are right. She had honey stores, but no pollen stores. She requeened a late swarm so has had a little disadvantage
  14. F

    New queen gone off lay

    Yeah pretty non existent, I have swapped a frame with pollen into them though so hopefully that will kick start her again?
  15. F

    New queen gone off lay

    Last week there were only a few eggs in the hive some larva and some capped brood. I have checked this week and there is virtually no brood at all. This is a new queen which I bought and re-queened a swarm with. She which was laying well. I have seen her and she seems fine, looks healthy. Today...
  16. F

    Missing larva

    Is that something a newly mated queen would still do?
  17. F

    Missing larva

    What is a brood break? I thought the poor weather and time of year could be factors
  18. F

    Missing larva

    My newly mated mail order queen has been in situ for 1 month now, she is laying, but perhaps not as well as I'd have hoped, there also currently seem to be a lack of the larva stage, though there is both capped brood and eggs, what could the explanation for this be?
  19. F

    Cast swarm advice.

    Cheers for the advice, I have ordered a new queen :) my first bred queen!