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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. B

    Anyone know what this is?

    I have about 20 of these, they came with a lot I bought at an auction, no idea what they are!
  2. B

    Post your 2013 swarm photos

    Stupid iPhone won't let me upload 2 pics!!
  3. B

    Post your 2013 swarm photos

    The biggest I've ever captured! Their covering 6 frames!
  4. B

    Best ever swarm captured

    I received half a dozen calls last night from a mate, phone was left at home... Anyhow on return of his call and pleased with the discription he gave it was going to be worth a visit! On arrival I found these! Looked in this morning and they are covering 6 frames!! :owned::sunning::owned::thanks:
  5. B

    Neighbour wants a bumble bee nest moved

    Ok so the later in the evening the better I guess?
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    Neighbour wants a bumble bee nest moved

    And another!
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    Neighbour wants a bumble bee nest moved

    Hopefully this has worked!
  8. B

    Neighbour wants a bumble bee nest moved

    They have built this nest on the floor of a shed but is getting dismantled, anyhow my question is if I wait till say 8.30pm could I gather them up, put the nest and bees in a box and relocate them? If so what sort of box/container could be used? I will post pics if they work!
  9. B

    Crop info

    I will get the hang of this uploading via iphone!!
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    Crop info

    Guessing another 3 weeks here too!!
  11. B

    Pictures of your hives and where you keep them..

    Hope the pics work!
  12. B

    9 frames in super

    Thanks for that folks, if I were to use them as 9s with new foundation in them am I right in thinking they would build comb in between the rather large space?
  13. B

    9 frames in super

    I recently bought some second hand cedar nationals that where on fleabay(Buy it now bargain) the supers have 9 frame spaces, metal castellated type..why 9 and not 11 like the rest of my hives? Is this something to do with the amount of stores they will store? P.s sorry for the noob question...
  14. B

    Hi, from Yorkshire

    :welcome:Im Yorkshire too,and also in my third year!
  15. B

    How do you protect against insecticide spray?

    last year i put hives in the field and didnt close up....i saw no harm done at all!!
  16. B

    How do you protect against insecticide spray?

    this is what i do bee-smillie
  17. B

    Lavender This lot are near us but too far for me bees! P.S I am nothing to do with them
  18. B

    What weather forecasting website do you use?

    Thanks plenty to go at there!! :)
  19. B

    What weather forecasting website do you use?

    :thanks: :iagree: