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  1. F

    Carbonate crown boards

    Use the middle one for feeder and cover the other with a piece of plywood. I fill a plastic takeaway box with fondant and put it above the hole closest to the brood in winter, the other can be covered with a bit of ply then also. Probably allows some ventilation too
  2. F

    2 Nationals to the Heather, do I add more undrawn supers?

    but its likely there is some heather honey in there which won't help with spinning them out on thin unwired foundation. I would use for feeding (nadir it). on the drones in the super problem, how did they end up in the super? the queen excluder should stop them getting into the super.
  3. F

    Sterilised bees wax

    I'd imagine it works along similar principles as this, longer and lower temp achieves the same result:
  4. F

    Buckfast Abbey

    here's the streetview:,-3.7774397,3a,60y,73.72h,78.1t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sWzJQEKTLCNS5azc0d3xU-Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en very similar to your last picture: some bushes growing over the walls
  5. F

    Pool of fondant on crown board

    i put fondant in rapid feeder (took out the clear plastic cup bit) above crown board in an eke, insulation above that. No drips and they seem to be accessing it ok. They'll possibly fill it with brace come in spring though...
  6. F

    Dead and dying bees

    Are they drones?
  7. F

    Weighing hives

    I believe it went under the hive, this was the thread: looking at the broodminder though it looks like it only goes under the front of the hive so obviously does the multiplication to get the total weight itself.
  8. F

    Winter prep question

    unless you extracted each hive separately and cleaned the equipment between each extraction that's a potential way to spread disease between your hives
  9. F

    Weighing hives

    there was someone here who had scales installed unber some of their hives, would be interesting to compare the lifting method vs the scales
  10. F

    Found this in my hive

    Here's a part stripped one that was stuck in one of my hive entrances
  11. F

    Partially full, partially capped, thin foundation

    if you put the super with the few frames of uncapped honey above a feeder board (feeder board between brood box and super) the bees will empty them.
  12. F

    Harvesting supers and overcrowding.

    you probably could have done a split earlier in the summer. Bee population will be decreasing from here on so the overcrowding problem should be resolved...
  13. F

    Yellow super frames

    M&M factory nearby? :D
  14. F


    supposedly privet honey has an acquired taste: https ://
  15. F

    Heating honey

    This guy found a way...i hear it's nice on pizza https ://mikeshothoney. com/
  16. F

    Labelling Jars

    the filling line starts at €29k if that make the labeller look any better
  17. F

    Interesting daily weight fluctuation graph

    Does the shape look similar for other days or is this an unusual one? 5am is close to sunrise? Could it be bees collecting water first thing to dehydrate after the 2kg drop off overnight in the hot weather?