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  1. MuswellMetro

    murder in the village

    i use 50cm square potting tray, one under supers to extract, one under extracted supers, one under the extractor so if you over fill a bucket it doesnt go all over the floor...
  2. MuswellMetro


    from the web Breakdown of Chemical in Soil and Groundwater Because permethrin binds very strongly to soil particles and it is nearly insoluble in water, it is not expected to leach or to contaminate groundwater (24). The binding, or adsorption, of permethrin in soil may be limited to organic...
  3. MuswellMetro

    Plastic foundation

    i have in the past used pre= plastic from Bee equipmenta but with added wax to surface in OSR supers as if the osr set i can scrap back to the plastic, them melt out the honey, recover the wax
  4. MuswellMetro

    I feel a little harrasssed today

    Tetracycline doesent cure it ,it is just used in autumn of light infections of EFB hold it back and shook swarm in spring, it is no longer used at lot as there is a resistant strain of EFB in certain areas and is also seems to be resevered for Bee farmers rather than us "amatuers"
  5. MuswellMetro

    Frame + foundation construction

    Remember that if the NBU find EFB or AFB and you have plastic foundation on the hive in your supers or brood they are under instruction not to burn you have to pay for them to be disposed of as clinical waste (expensive!!)
  6. MuswellMetro

    Frame + foundation construction

    worst wax i had was three years ago and it was too narrow, my three sources of wax all use the same firm in Hastings and i think the mis measured cutting as the next year all three sources wax was fine
  7. MuswellMetro

    I feel a little harrasssed today

    Currently I am shook swarming onto new comb every March , keeping boots and suit only for that apairy and anything that goes in doesnt leave the apiary unlessto extract honey and is returned, , Fortunately it is not my main apiary as i have hives in suburban metroplitan open land near...
  8. MuswellMetro

    I feel a little harrasssed today

    i feeling rather harassed by the NBU as this year i have received thirteen 3km notices for disease on just one apiary in Arnos Grove, Enfield Middlesex Eleven for EFB ,one for AFB and one for both AFB and EFB. My hives are fine and produced 50kg of honey each but i just dont know whteher to just...
  9. MuswellMetro

    Amount of brood at this time

    The old regulations used to allow 23% for Clover, it was surprising the amount of honey that used to be labelled "clover Honey"
  10. MuswellMetro


    not noticed any cooorosien so far with 2 appilication of MAQS, whereas the galv runner in the supers used with MAQS are flaking orange rust, but no idea what grade, ask them
  11. MuswellMetro

    A excess of brood?

    what size brood box are you on, could just be that your race of bee needs bigger 14x12 boxes or brood & half Are they local bees or did you buy them from a national supplier
  12. MuswellMetro

    Winter ventilation and mouse guards

    on solid floors it was necessary with an uninsulated solid floor hive to tip the hive forward and remove the entrance block if following the vented crown board1940s method ,,Hence this let mice in, so you added a mouseguard, The 35cm square mesh on OMF if left open total changes why you need a...
  13. MuswellMetro

    Varroa treatment survey

    Homefully the Veterinary Medicines Directorate don't read this threed😷
  14. MuswellMetro


    i now have stainless steel runners in all my brood boxes, They have been avaiable from Thorne for several years at about £3 per pair
  15. MuswellMetro

    Frame + foundation construction

    i make my frames in winter without wax and ony with one bottom bar, easy to slide in the wax,nail the wedge and final bottom bar, only problem is bendy wax on hot days so i put it flat in the fridge for an hour and take out a few sheets at a time so slides in the groove easy
  16. MuswellMetro

    Frame + foundation construction

    also storing wax too long in hot conditions means it flows and the sheets get bigger, 1st grade frames are no better if they are stored in a warm dry place as all wood shrinks, i have often been called by beginner swho have stored their flat pack beehive in the centrally heated house and the...
  17. MuswellMetro

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Ragwort comming in and the comb is bright yellow and smells of urine
  18. MuswellMetro

    Varroa treatment survey

    2018 Dec subliation of Oxalic 2019 Aug 50%apivar 50% MAQS 2019 Dec Sublimation of Oxalic 2020 75% MAQS 25% Apivar any over winter nuc Apivar in December
  19. MuswellMetro

    Certan now not available

    B401 was never an approved medicant and i dont expect B402 will be as not applied on bees 80% acetic acid treament in on NBU web site and you could show your Trading Standard that DEFRA are promoting its use and Acetic Acid for cleansing comb You dont have to tell them it has an EC number...
  20. MuswellMetro

    Mother of God Hive system

    on another thread he says he lost 31 out of 44 hives last winter, i helped look after my cousin's 30 10 frame Smith hives in Wallingford and we only lost one and that was because a rat chewed it way in ,ask yourself why he lost 31 hives