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  1. SenatorMagenut

    To add super or to feed?

    Nice colonies tonybloke :D I should probably take out the entrance reducer now because they are starting to que up to get in. I'll give them the super and if they fill it enough i'll take out the excluder and give it to them over winter. I use this forum to tell more experienced beeks my...
  2. SenatorMagenut

    To add super or to feed?

    Yes, but I have to consider what I am going to do in some of the likely outcomes. There is still one last point I NEED answered. Do I use a queen excluder between the BB and the super when they are overwintering on the stores in the super? Or does the cluster move over the frames and the...
  3. SenatorMagenut

    To add super or to feed?

    I have given thought about wintering them. Fellow beeks around me give so much pessimism regarding the success of my colony that I assumed I would be lucky to fill the bood box for winter. I will not have access to the hive for the next 10 days because I'm away. Feed Super QE BB Would...
  4. SenatorMagenut

    To add super or to feed?

    Thanks for the help guys. It's always helpful to have your opinions not worthy I dont know where i'd be without this forum.
  5. SenatorMagenut

    To add super or to feed?

    Thanks guys, Ill add a super and QE then. Only prob is that I think bad weather is coming next week. Should I ignore that? I dont think it would be good to give the bees a super and then have their nectar supply cut off.
  6. SenatorMagenut

    To add super or to feed?

    So what do I do with a super once its time to come off? And its got a load of brood and food in it? I dont have an extractor yet and I don't want to get new foundation.
  7. SenatorMagenut

    To add super or to feed?

    Hi. My bees are very well established. All the frames are now nearly full with brood and stores. I'm assuming its too late to swarm now. Should I add a super to the bees or is it too close to winter? The super would be comletely undrawn foundation. When would you start feeding? The frames...
  8. SenatorMagenut

    Question about castelations in supers

    Do queens frequently make it up to the super? I don't want brood in my food ;)
  9. SenatorMagenut

    To use a queen excluder between brood box and feeder?

    This is surprising entertaining. I'm just going to assume that you people are the annoying trolls that come here late at night and annoy people so I'm just going to go to bed now... Bye :)
  10. SenatorMagenut

    To use a queen excluder between brood box and feeder?

    Also this is a forum for new beekeepers and people interested in beekeeping to exchange information with each other and with more experienced beekeepers. If you have a problem with the fact that there are going to be basic beekeeping principles discussed then you really shouldn't be here.
  11. SenatorMagenut

    To use a queen excluder between brood box and feeder?

    We seem to have reached page 2. :rant: alert! I was worried about the queen coming up to the feeder and out into the rest of the super. My weird contact feeder needs to sit on two wooden spacers to leave bee space underneath. Also it is possible to enter the super around the roof...
  12. SenatorMagenut

    To use a queen excluder between brood box and feeder?

    When I got my swarm they covered both of the holes in the crown board with a metal grill too fine for bees to go through. My feeder only covers one hole. When I put the feeder on, I only removed the grill for the hole that it covers. So I get the ventilation and no brace comb :D.
  13. SenatorMagenut

    cheap hive on Amazon

    Nice. Pity I got my hive already and I'm probably not gonna swarm this year.
  14. SenatorMagenut

    Feed hole. To cover or not?

    Um......................................................................... Don't the bees torn up and thrown out like they went through a jumbo jet? They must get cold in the winter:xmas-smiley-010:
  15. SenatorMagenut

    To use a queen excluder between brood box and feeder?

    Quit the :rant: guys... I get your points. :cool:
  16. SenatorMagenut

    Feed hole. To cover or not?

    I put my contact feeder on one hole and have a mesh on the other. Ventilation and no brace comb. Simples ;)
  17. SenatorMagenut

    cheap hive on Amazon

    You can get a good national from thorne here... Only 145.00 and it comes with frames, foundation, 2 supers, 1 brood, Mesh Floor, Nails, Glue, Aluminium Roof, Bee Escapes (porter), Dummy Board, Qeen Excluder, entrance reducer and mouseguard. I got it and its fine so far bee-smillie
  18. SenatorMagenut

    To use a queen excluder between brood box and feeder?

    Ok :rolleyes: I have a crown board on over the brood box. Then I have an empty super housing a 1/2 gallon contact feeder. Then the roof. Hope this helps!
  19. SenatorMagenut

    have I lost my Queen?

    Hard luck alysonmaria :( Remember that it takes a colony 3-4 days to fully recover from being looked through. I think I heard somewhere that you can buy mated queens with only a few workers in a matchbox like thing. Could anyone share their greater knowledge on that? I fear it may be too...