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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. BKF Admin


    How many do you want and how much do you want to pay ?
  2. BKF Admin

    Bee's wanted (coventry area)

    The spam filter has deleted the website name. I will chat with the website owners as it seems like a good idea and they are all bee farmers.
  3. BKF Admin


    I would think you can find a new beekeeper who would be happy to pay £225.00
  4. BKF Admin

    No laying space

    Do you have another colony ? (Number of hives 2) Swap empty frames for the stored frames if you do.
  5. BKF Admin

    channel 4 tonight at half 8.
  6. BKF Admin

    British Standard National Beehive Design Improvements

    A great first post,you are going to fit right in around here :cheers2:
  7. BKF Admin

    Generation Bee - A campaign to cultivate new beekeepers!

    I normally receive a request asking if its ok to pop a post on the forum when it is from a group and contains links to other websites. On this occasion the pm/email seems to of not arrived.
  8. BKF Admin

    Murray - Anyone know where he is?

    I can sometimes be the same. I am VERY VERY lucky to have Pete around to look after things for us :cheers2:
  9. BKF Admin

    Human intervention.

    Can we go back on topic,my inbox is filling up with complaints and one member has asked to be removed from the forum..
  10. BKF Admin

    Murray - Anyone know where he is?
  11. BKF Admin

    Hive Stands

    I use flat cedar stands that you can pop a frame in when inspecting. Just about to move 10 of them when it dries up.
  12. BKF Admin

    Upcoming weather

    I actually prayed for my hives last night. The water is about 20ft from them and rising. The road has been closed for two days from both ends as it's flooded. I managed to get through Saturday afternoon and am planning on moving them if levels rise any more.
  13. BKF Admin


    Rats and Mice = smooth peanut butter.
  14. BKF Admin

    What on earth

    Discrimination against the colorblind !
  15. BKF Admin

    Patternless foundation, or negative patterned foundation

    Finman and Pargyle 1 month bans. over 40 posts deleted by these two users in the last 24 hours alone. Admin.
  16. BKF Admin

    Patternless foundation, or negative patterned foundation

    I am starting to run out of Popcorn....
  17. BKF Admin

    I can't find T's sales list - is it open yet?

    Our Winter Sale will start online at noon on Saturday 4th January 2014 when full details will be on our website Telephone sale orders can be made from 9.00am on Monday 6th January. Last year, our website crashed with all the additional traffic. We have...
  18. BKF Admin

    Happy New Year !

    Happy New Year
  19. Happy New Year

    Happy New Year

  20. BKF Admin

    The best poly hive ?

    Easy done Queens,many a time I have answered a post only to be pulled up on the fact the information has already been given. ;)