I would leave them to it and see what happens, it will save you money if it mates well and starts laying if not you can always buy a queen at the end of the month.
some body sold her a queen less hive. I read some where. leave the cell and wait 3 weeks. good luck hope all goes well if not you will have to buy a queen in.
I ve had the same so Im letting them requeen and buying in queens as replacements if the queens mate then ill over winter them in nucs
if not then it doesnt matter grafting isnt going well due to the weather only had 2 queens mate out of around 20 v queens not good at all.
ITs package in wales. The honey is really nice just as good as anyones really. meet the guys that helped steve set up there really nice, brillant beekeepers
No you could do one of two things split brood that is if your on double brood or make up an nuc with the old queen and let the hive make queen cells and requeen.
are you in south staffordshire beekeeping association???
Missed swarm due to the large number of beekeepers in the area.
After message has been left on answer phone, once phoned back they have had some one else collect, any one else had this happen to them???
Get them out of the incubator asap because I have left a few for too long (only a few hours) and they died fast I also give them a drop of water and then in to a mating nuc.
There has been loads of swallows around both of my queen breeding sites,I have checked today and all my hives have cells or v queens but I have lost a hell of alot of v queens, it must be due to them but I just have to keep hoping and keep grafting.