I,ve got one to get down from the shed roof this week,Biggest problem is to get them to stay on the new site up the garden and not to return to the shed roof.I normally shut them up for a day or two with plenty of ventilation.
Looks fine as long as the bees stay good tempered if not it won,t just be the nieghbour who suffers, I would have a back up site just in case things go wrong.
Don't forget the extras things like sleeve protectors to stop stings to the wrists and a baseball cap to help keep the veil off yor face. I started with a cheap suit and after some time progressed to a BB Wear suit, I still use the old suit as a standby .
My hives were wiped out by wasps last year but I woudn't dream of going on a campaign to wipe them out in the spring. This year I will rethink my plan to keep the wasps out ,after all they are only doing what wasps do in the autumn.
I always use all my sawdust/wood shavings as bedding for the chickens ,I didn't realise until I was looking for bedding for the chicks that are hatching that Cedar sawdust isn't good as it causes breathing problems.
When I first started I made hives from any wood that I had pallets,plywood and other bits and pieces even have a hive stand made from an old table base fancy legs as well.The biggest problem is the weight ,cedar is a lot lighter also it doesn't need treating.I find the old hives that I have made...
So much Sycamore ( Sycamorwydden) in Wales that if we felled it all there would be lots of empty spaces everywhere.
Farmers don't like it as its supposed to be deadly to cattle.;)
All the hives I,ve made from Western Red Cedar grown in Pembrokeshire have turned out ok,Pretty sure the carbon foot print would be much lower than from Canada. I've made hoffman frames from Sycamore that grows around the edge of our field once its seasoned it cuts up well and has a close grain...
I always found the home made sheets to be quite brittle,the ones made with rollers are much stronger.I did make some without any pattern on at all the bees didnt seem to have any problem.
It always gets me when people who live in towns and cities moan about the lack of access to the countryside . When they do come they leave litter and s**t everywhere.They have no respect for people who live in the countryside and have to clean up after they have left. There seems to be an...
I brought some seed potatoes some years back Cara and Swift but I have a bit of a mix that I,ve got over the years.Slugs are a big problem especially with all the wet weather we have.I hate using chemicals and rotate my crops every year rabbits are a big problem though they won't touch the...
Been using my own spuds for seed for years as we always have some that are not fit for the kitchen.Planted too early this year and the ones that were up got hit by the frost but did recover.I used to have the children helping but now they are older its just me the tractor and the ridger. I...