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  1. S

    How much?

    Some suggested prices here -
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    Frame making

    A 14x12 is particular size of brood box, I don't recall the dimensions but is larger than a standard National brood box, not sure if it's as large as a brood and a half (brood + super). I was advised on my course that 14x12 is advisable, especially in the South as colonies will need the extra...
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    Wintering with a super- Have I got it yet?

    I *think* what he's saying is that until winter and the queen stopping laying she will continue to lay brood only in the upper brood box as it's warmer. The stores in the super below will get used up over winter, so at no point is the super ever used for brood and remains clean from brood debris.
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    next year

    There is Local Association contact info here http://************************/local_associations_about_us.php
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    Home-made clearing board

    Why don't the bees find their way out again? I know I could probably find the answer online or in a book, but was hoping one of you that had made one would oblige :) Thanks Simon
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    My first use of Apiguard help please

    Just to throw another opinion into the mix, my association treated the apiary last weekend for varroa and the decision was to remove the entrance blocks to allow sufficient ventilation with the varroa tray added. Two things though, one they used Api Life Var (I think it's called) which is a...
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    Queen stopped laying

    As a 2 week old beek I don't know if I'm any position to comment, all I would say is that in the July edition of BeeCraft I recall one of the articles mentioning that dependent on flow a queen may reduce laying, and in some cases cease altogether.
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    OMF on a stand

    Thanks to everyone for their thoughts - the way the stand is built (with planks on their side) means that I seem to already have the wind break that others use. Combined with a couple of hurdles should be good enough then. The hive is located in a relatively open half acre with very little to...
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    OMF on a stand

    With an OMF is it better that the surface that the hive sits on is solid, as it might provide better insulation in winter, or does it not matter, or is it a seasonal thing - open 'base' in Summer for ventilation, closed in winter. I made a makeshift stand and currently the front and back of the...
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    3D Imaging of Hive

    Didn't see this posted before, apologies if it has Looks like an interesting development.
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    Hive construction mistake - advice please

    Thanks to everyone for their replies, some things to consider. I will update the thread with what I decide to do and how.
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    Complete novice

    As a novice myself working my way through "Guide to Bees and Honey", but having completed a beginners course as well as previously reading "Bees at the bottom of the garden" and having some limited first hand experience of handling bees, I am finding the book a little daunting in places. If you...
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    Hive construction mistake - advice please

    Thanks for being patient with me. I do like this idea, so want to make sure I understand it. Where I am unclear is when is a standard frame ready to be removed, do I remove it when it still contains brood, if not how to do I stop laying in it? The divider should extend all the way to mesh...
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    Hive construction mistake - advice please

    Thanks, that's an idea I hadn't thought of, and I may well do for the one super, I would like to get the brood box right though if it will make inspections and management easier. Reassuring to know I'm not the only one though :)
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    Hive construction mistake - advice please

    What I don't see is how this would temporary, at what point could the standard frames be removed and replaced with jumbo frames. Also how would you distribute the different frames initially?
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    Hive construction mistake - advice please

    Not sure I completely follow, if you could expand on that I'd be very grateful. Thanks
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    Hive construction mistake - advice please

    Thanks, yes, I have the eke already - rather expensive trip to Thorne Windsor recently :)
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    Hive construction mistake - advice please

    Hi jezd - I have a Thornes flat pack National hive, nucleus coming in May/June, I assume on standard brood frames. On the bee-keeping course I recently took the advice seemed to be to use a larger than standard brood box. So my intention is to transfer nuc frames into the standard box, dummy out...
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    Hive construction mistake - advice please

    Thanks both for the replies, will fix them all I think. I'd rather start my bee-keeping experience with how things should be, rather than kludge from the outset. Taking apart may be tricky as they are nailed and glued. I can probably rout a lot of it with a fence clamped in, and then dremel the...