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  1. P

    Colony Transportation

    As long as their is adequate ventilation (Travel screens/ OMF) they should be fine.
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    Productivity vs aggression

    Some of the most productive bees I have ever come across where also the most placid. Aggressive colonies also take longer to work which is a factor when you have a few to go through. Just people justifying their badly behaved pets.
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    Soft-set seed and blended honey

    If one of the big packers was found to be adulterating UK honey with 10% foreign and not labelling it British amateur beekeepers would be grumbling about it and the thread on here would go on and on, so why is it ok for an amateur to mis-label their honey and adulterate it?
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    Soft-set seed and blended honey

    10% as a constituent of the product is quite high, I would expect if trading standards became aware they may take a dim view. The gov website actually gives France as an example: "For example, a blend of UK and French honey placed on the market in England and Wales would either need to: list...
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    Does sugar syrup keep?

    If true 2:1 and not weaker should be fine.
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    Selling honey at the gate: is weight info on the label mandatory?

    Yep a few discrepancies in that article I think, in particular with regards to what regulations requirements originate from. While people are trying to be helpful producing guides and YouTube videos, these are just their interpretations, and they are not experts. If you are unsure and want a...
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    August 2022 - Interception of Honey Bee Queens at Dover

    Is it my eyesight or are these blue marked queens? Odd if these were being "smuggled" for resale or are NBU using a stock photo for their post and these are not the queens in question.
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    Hallo from Lincoln

    Good luck with your new residents.
  9. P

    Honey price

    BFA survey results in June edition showed the average just under £3.80lb for buckets and just over £3.30 lb in barrels in 2022
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    Mildew on the top of full frames of honey supers.

    Did you smoke it heavily? Would not worry about it anyway sure the honey will be fine.
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    Honey label petition

    From what I understand the standard practice in China is for the beekeepers to extract it as nectar then (presumably to save on kit as they are almost nomadic) It then passes through intermediaries and at some stage gets "dried" to get the water content down. So they presumably could ,with that...
  12. P

    Borage Honey (Creaming)

    Think Blackmountain sells it: Soft Set Borage Honey - 227g | Black Mountain Honey And Laurence was raving about it on social media : Never tried it myself as the runny borage I get sells well. Guess if you seed it with some soft set it will crystallise.
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    Cost of sugar or fondant 2022

    2 inch 5.5HP pump connected to an IBC I use it to make up 900Kg of 2:1 at a time. Pretty quick and use cold water from a well.
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    Honey label petition

    Mainly importers /packers, but not at the .99p a jar end. Did start off as beekeepers apparently not sure if they still are (if so a dressing up opportunity was missed) They do a British range as well so not all imported. It is probably product ranges like theirs that overlap home produced...
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    Honey label petition

    Hilltop Honey's new employee is not in favour tighter regulation
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    Honey label petition

    The current regulation work so don't see why (other than for the reason JBM says) we need a petition. for changing them. This case shows that where it is established that the law has been broken the regulations are fit for purpose and people get prosecuted(Honey scam couple fined). What is...
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    Honey label petition

    Spot on Wilco, plus it goes against the governments current mantra for de-regulation and "tearing up red tape". The current regulations are probably adequate but the testing and enforcement are not in place. I cannot imagine there is a will to impose more unenforceable regulation when border...
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    Is it safe to split the hive now?

    If you wait until after the first queen cell has emerged you risk the other cell being killed before you can remove it. So if you want to use both cells I would get it out before either cell emerges and you have a virgin running around. There is still time for queens to get mated and nucs to...
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    Selling honey from the hives in the UK

    If investigating a food safety complaint regarding packaging the officers would ask for invoices etc for the packaging and would look to see if they are correct for the use etc, so if you had invoices for new jars and were prepared to lie they would not. Like I said before no one is going to...