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  1. Somerford

    Winter Work

    One has to strike while the iron is hot. I was told about a garage needing clearing in the locality a couple of weeks ago - and the offer was free timber so I couldn't really turn it down. I've been thinking about making a quad hive stand for a while to go on one of my better sites to both fit...
  2. Somerford


  3. Somerford

    Just for some fun.... an excuse to smile.

    that'll be Finman's staple diet there
  4. Somerford

    A beekeepers christmas day

    Well my Christmas day was spent as a taxi and pot washer-upper....I drove my elderly parents from Stroud over to my sisters in Cheltenham for a splendid Christmas meal and had a nice chat with my father who's forgiven me for telling him off about not driving until (if) his eyes get better....and...
  5. Somerford

    Somerford Hive Stand

    a ton ?? a super is on average 25lb. 9x25 = 225lb plus hives max 500lb which is 22% of an imperial ton (2240lb) IF I had bees that on three hives could produce 2240lb then I could retire a happy beekeeper !!
  6. Somerford


    I agree - but my point is that selling beehive products to people who are already beekeepers (honey/wax/propolis/candles) they won't buy them - it's the general public who will (ie like being at an agricultural show or country fair) buy these. Therefore a big promotion of the Tradex needs to go...
  7. Somerford

    Poll: Should it be legal to use the word "Raw" on labels to describe unheated, non-pressure filtered honey

    Too late - a certain celebrity over here is selling Bee Juice.....
  8. Somerford

    Time on my hands...

    On the eve of Christmas, it was all quiet in the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.....only a glance out the window, and what should I see, one of my honeybees, looking at me !! Yes - it's a mild damp Christmas eve here in North Wiltshire, and the honeybees are far from being...
  9. Somerford


    I'm not knocking your efforts, far from it, but encouraging the event to expand to other areas calls on an entirely different attendee to come in and let these stands have a good show - first and foremost Beetradex is a trade show, manufacturers selling to beekeepers. Having stands selling hive...
  10. Somerford

    Almost the Solstice...and the year starts to turn

    Interesting my one line comment on Rowse has generated the most comments ! I was in a supermarket the other day and I see Rowse are using a shelf edge tray to hold 6 jars with the strapline 'Protecting Bees & Beekeepers' on it. What the poor uneducated consumer doesn't realise is it's not...
  11. Somerford

    Almost the Solstice...and the year starts to turn

    Well it's been a while since I posted. Been so completely busy with main work and the bees I've hardly had a spare moment. But these last few weekends I've managed to find some time to relax, switch off and recharge the batteries. Only three more days in work then a good 12 days off. The bees...
  12. Somerford

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Well, a productive afternoon all told...cleaned out the back of the truck, found a full super of honey in their under the general clutter ! Made up around 100 frames then painted a load of poly nucs KR S
  13. Somerford

    Laurence Edwards' petition to allow the use of the word "Raw" to describe unheated, non-pressure filtered honey.

    The petition is being 'checked' by HM Government to ensure it complies with Covid regulations probably...
  14. Somerford

    Poll: Should it be legal to use the word "Raw" on labels to describe unheated, non-pressure filtered honey

    While the term 'raw' is a reflection on the current societal marketing in other sectors to differentiate locally produced artisan food from other mass produced or manufactured goods, I do feel some sort of labelling regulation change is needed to allow customers to differentiate from shoddy...
  15. Somerford

    Honey For Sale Honey for sale

    why oh why would it be 'free' ? such a silly reply on your behalf Arfermo